WK 4 - Case law Flashcards
Raffles v Wichelhaus 1864
Mutual error: Two different ships, same name. Contract not enforceable as one ship leaving in Oct, other in Dec.
Stuart & Co v Kennedy 1885
Mutual error: Contract void but already performance so other party had to pay.
Coping is delivered and restitutio in integrem impossible.
Hamilton v Western Bank of Scotland 1861
Common error: Where there has been a mistaken, shared assumption as to one of the essential conditions (will be void ?)
McLaughlin v The New Housing Association Ltd 2008
Common error: Both parties at error as to price. Both had missed a statutory provision (for calculating the price)
Flynn v Scott 1949
Misrepresentation: a mere statement of opinion does not constitute misrepresentation - van in good running order
Boyd & Forrest v Glasgow & South Western Railway Co
Innocent misrepresentation:
Bedrock>soft ground which cost more money + time.
Mistake was not intentional, therefore not fraudulent.
Innocent so no damages.
Railway already built so contract not reduced.
Cramasco LLP v Oglivie-Grant, Earl of Seafield 2014
Negligent: Whether a party could be liable for a negligent pre-contractual misrepresentation in circumstances where the party to which the representation was originally made was not the ultimate contracting party.
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1985 s. 10
Negligent misrepresentation
Derry v Peek 1889
Fraudulent misrepresentation: ‘Fraud is proved where it is shown that a false representation has been made knowingly, or without belief in its truth, or recklessly careless whether it be true or false.’
Smith v Sim 1954
Fraudulent misrepresentation: Smith bought a pub in Montrose and the supplier gave false facts. Smith was able to sue for damages.
Stewart v Kennedy (1890)
Uninduced unilateral errors usually of no effect.
The case involves a contract for the sale of an entailed estate by the plaintiff, an heir of entail in possession.
Was there consensus between parties?
Menzies v Menzies 1893
Uninduced unilateral errors usually of no effect.
The court held that Neil’s consent to the re-settlement was obtained under misleading circumstances, where he was not fully informed of his legal rights
Steuart’s Trustees v Hart (1875) 3 R 192; Followed in:
Angus v Bryden 1992
Error plus / Snatching at a bargain.
Wills v Strategic Procurement (UK) Ltd [2013]
Error plus / Snatching at a bargain.
Chwee Kin Keong v Digilandmall.com
Error plus / Snatching at a bargain.
Hunter v Bradford Property Trust Ltd 1970 SLT 173
Gratuitous transaction: Sisters threatened with cancelling of contract if they didn’t agree to sign. Case failed under force and fear as it was ‘foolish fear’.
However, successful under error as agreed to enter into new contract but no benefit from that
Edgar v Edgar [2014]
M transferred half of house to S. Signed a contract to hand house over but she thought debt. Error as to nature of transaction; she gained nothing.