Wk 2-3 (Ch 3/4) : Solving Problems by Searching Flashcards
Why does the contour map for uniform cost look like a circle while A*’s contour map looks like something else?
What does the contour map for A* look like, why?
What is the definition of completeness? What is the definition of admissible?
Describe the concept of pruning?
What are the strengths and drawbacks of A*?
What is relative error? What is absolute error?
What does it mean for A* to be optimally efficient?
Describe A* algorithm…see notecard.
Which types of A* are optimal, when?
Describe the greedy best-first search algorithm
What is the basic improvement that informed searches add over uninformed searches?
What is the main difference between IDA* and the std ID algorithm? What are its main drawbacks?
How does recursive best-first search work? What are its strengths? What are its drawbacks?
How do admissibility and monotonicity make algorithms optimal?
How does SMA work? How does thrashing relate to it? How does it improve on A*? How does it use memory?