WK 1 - Health & Wellbeing Flashcards
What are the 3 sciences that work together that contribute to overall health?
Name some points that describe the body as a MECHANICAL OBJECT
Perfect or imperfect machine
A sense of absolute certainty
Master technician
Problem-solving attitude
Name some points that describe the body as the Self Regulatory Process
Self-regulating biological organism
Enhance existing self-healing capacity
What is covered in the Biopsychosocial model?
Acute illness Chronic illness Illness behaviour Pain Suffering Mood disorder Addictive disorders
By 2020 what is the estimated % for death by chronic diseases?
73% of all deaths and 60% of the global burden
of disease. (WHO)
What is the name for having many health issues and how much (%) of time do they take up with the GP?
Kasl & Cobb(1996) defined three types of health
behaviour. What are they?
- The health Behaviour - aimed at
preventing disease (exercising and eating
a healthy diet) - An illness behaviour - aimed to seek
remedy (going to the doctor, searching internet)
3. The sick role behaviour - aimed at getting well (taking medication)
Describe health impairing habits
sometimes called behavioural pathogens
Smoking, excessive drinking and eating a high-fat
Describe health protective behaviours which are (sometimes described as Behavioural immunogens)
Attending a health clinic for screening
Describe what Theory is
Sets of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena that can be scientifically tested.
Describe what a model is
Conceptual descriptions of a system, theory, or phenomenon that account for its known or inferred properties.
What is the Theory of Reasoned Action model
Fishbein and Ajzan 1975
Designed to understand a persons individual
What is their basic motivation (behavioural
What is the Theory of Planned Behaviour (Ajzen 1991)
Is a theory that links one’s beliefs and behaviour.
The theory states that intention toward behaviour, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control, together shape an individual’s behavioural intentions and behaviours.
What is The Health Belief Model
Backgroud Variables –> Demographic / Psychological / Structural
Threats: Susceptibility and Severity
Perceived Expectations: Benefits and Barriers
The Health Belief Model tries to predict health-related
behaviours by exploring peoples relationship,
thoughts and actions related to a behaviour.
Thus policymakers can: NAME THEM
- Develop interventions
- Increase perception
- Promote benefits
- Reduce barriers
What is The transtheoretical model?
Assesses an individual’s readiness to act on a new healthier behaviour, and provides strategies, or processes of change to guide the individual.
What are the stages of The transtheoretical model?
The model is composed of constructs such as stages of change, processes of change, levels of change, self-efficacy, and decision making