Wk 1 Flashcards
Infection and asepsis
Disease state that results from presence of a pathogen.
What causes a disease state?
A disease state is the result of a process called the infection cycle.
What is the infection cycle and where in the cycle can it be broke?
The infection cycle is a chain of how infections are spread. It can be broke at any point in the cycle.
What is an infectious agent? How can it be broke in terms of the infection cycle?
A bacteria, virus or fungi. ( Can be Asymptomatic or symptomatic)
it can be broke from the infection cycle through hand hygiene, sterilization, antibiotic and antis microbials.
What is a reservoir? How can it be broke in terms of the infection cycle?
A reservoir is the natural habitat of the organism ( people animals environment )
It can be broke in terms of the infection cycle through transmission based precautions sterilization or use of disposable supplies.
What is a portal of exit? How can it be broke in terms of the infection cycle?
Portal of exit is the point of escape for the organism. ( Respiratory tract, GI tract, urinary tract, blood, skin )
It can be broke with dry intact dressing hand hygiene, wearing of gloves if contact with body fluids, covering nose.
What are means of transmission? How can it be broke in terms of the infection cycle?
Means of transmission are direct contact / droplet or indirect contact. ( Touching, sneezing, kissing, biting, sex, blood )
It can be broke in terms of the infection cycle through hand hygiene, use of pesticides to eliminate vectors.
What is the portal of entry? How can it be broken terms of the infection cycle?
Portal of entry is the point at which organisms enter a new host. ( Often it is the same as the point of exit )
It can be broke with hand hygiene wearing of gloves use of masks and appropriate protective gear, proper disposal of needles and sharps.
What is a susceptible host? How can it be broken terms of the infection cycle?
A susceptible host is someone more at risk of an infectious agent being able to overcome resistance mounted by hosts defenses.
( Week, malnourished, poor immune response, infants, elderly )
It can be broke in terms of the infection cycle with immunizations and health screening for medical staff.
What are the bodies defenses?
Normal body flora ( ie gut biome )
Inflammatory response ( infection or trauma ) ie small vessel constriction, vasodilation, histamine release, WBC, exudate.
Immune response- antigen / antibody response, increased lymphocytes
What are the signs of localized infection?
Localized swelling.
Localized redness.
Pain or tenderness with palpitation or movement.
Palpable heat in infected area.
Loss of function of the body part affected.
Wound exudate of various colors
What are the signs of the systemic infection?
- Fever ( less so and elderly )
- Increase pulse and respiration rate if fever is high.
- Malaise and loss of energy.
- Anorexia and in some cases nausea and vomiting.
- Enlargement and tenderness of lymph nodes that drain the area of infection.
What are the stages of infection?
Incubation- The time which the organism is multiplying in the new host the length of time varies.
Predomo stage - when vague signs of the disease are present, when the host is most infectious.
Full stage of illness - when specific signs and symptoms are present.
Convalescent period- the time when the host is recovering
What is the aseptic technique? What are the types?
The aseptic techniques includes activities to prevent or break the chain of infection.
Medical asepsis - is a clean technique. ( Hand hygiene, cleaning, proper disposal soiled items, avoid jewelry)
Surgical asepsis - is a sterile technique. ( Stereo field, maintaining sterility, sterile solution )
What is ADPIE?
Assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, evaluation