Witr Prayer Flashcards
What is the ruling and excellence of the witr prayer? (2 points)
- Witr prayer is an emphasized Sunnah that Prophet strongly encouraged
- The Prophet used to perform the witr prayer
Who narrated the hadith stating that Allah loves the odd in number?
Abu Hurayrah and Ali
What did ‘Ali say about the witr prayer?
The witr prayer is not mandatory, like obligatory prayers, but the Messenger of Allah used to perform it
When is it permissible to perform the witr prayer?
It is permissible to perform the witr prayer from after the Night prayer until the break of dawn.
What is the preferred time to perform the witr prayer?
It is preferred to perform the witr prayer during the last third of the night.
When is it preferred to perform the witr prayer in the first portion of the night?
It is preferred to perform the witr prayer in the first portion of the night for one who fears that they will not get up in the later portion of the night.
When is it preferred to perform the witr prayer at the end of the night?
It is preferred to perform the witr prayer at the end of the night for the one who believes that they will be able to get up at that time.
Who did the Prophet ask about the time they pray witr?
Abu Bakr and ‘Umar
When did Abu Bakr pray witr?
He prayed witr before sleeping
When did ‘Umar ibn al Khattab pray witr?
He slept first, then woke up and prayed witr
What did the Prophet say to Abu Bakr and ‘Umar about their preferred timing for the witr prayer?
He said to:
* Abu Bakr, “You have taken the safe way,”
* ‘Umar, “You have taken the strong way.”
Who did the Prophet wake up to pray witr with him?
What is the minimum number of rak’ahs for the witr prayer?
Who narrated the hadith that says “The night prayer is to be in two rak’ah sets, if one of you fears the coming of the morning, he should pray one rak’ah making all that he prayed an odd number”?
Ibn ‘Umar
Besides one rak’ah, what other numbers of rak’ahs are permissible for the witr prayer?
3 / 5 / 7 / 9
According to A’ishah, what was the maximum number of rak’ahs that the Prophet (PBUH) used to pray during the night?
According to A’ishah, how did the Prophet (PBUH) perform his witr prayer during the night?
He would pray 5 rak’ahs for witr, and he would not sit except in the last rak’ah
What did A’ishah and the others do for the Prophet (PBUH) during the night when he prayed?
They prepared the toothstick and water for him
What did the Prophet (PBUH) do during the eighth rak’ah of the night prayer?
He would mention Allah, praise Him, and supplicate to Him
What did the Prophet (PBUH) recite during the witr prayer when he performed it in 3 rak’ahs?
- FIRST: Iqra
- SECOND: Qul ya ayuhal Kafiroon
- THIRD: Qul huwa Allahu a7ad
According to A’ishah, what was the total number of rak’ahs that the Prophet (PBUH) performed for witr when he aged and became heavier?
According to A’ishah, how did the Prophet (PBUH) perform the last 2 rak’ahs of his night prayer?
He performed them while sitting after he had made the salutations
What did Aisha say about the Prophets 4 rak3as during the night prayer?
“Do not ask about how excellent and lengthy they were.”
What did Aisha say about the Prophets 4 rak3as during the night prayer?
“Do not ask about how excellent and lengthy they were.”
What did Aisha say about the Prophets 4 rak3as during the night prayer?
“Do not ask about how excellent and lengthy they were.”
What is the Qunoot supplication?
اللَّهُمَّ اهْدِنِي فِيمَن هَدَيْت وَعَافِنِي فِيمَن عَافَيْت
وَتَوَلَّنِي فِيمَن تَوَلَّيْتَ وَبَارِك لِي فِيما أَعْطَيْت
وَقِنِي شَرَّ مَا قَضَيْت إِنَّكَ تَقْضِي وَلاَ يُقْضَى عَلَيك
وَإِنَّه لاَ يَذِل مَن وَالَيْت وَلاَ يَعِز مَنْ عَادَيْت تَبَارَكْت رَبَّنَا وَتَعَالَيت
Who did the Prophet (PBUH) teach the Qunoot dua to?
Al-Hasan ibn “Ali
When is it Sunnah to make the Qunoot supplication during the Witr prayer?
Before Rukoo3
What is the evidence for making the Qunoot supplication before Rukoo3 in Witr prayer?
The hadith of Ubayy ibn K3ab
Can the Qunoot supplication be made in obligatory prayers?
Yes, but only if some sort of disaster has befallen the people
When should the Qunoot supplication be made in obligatory prayers?
After Rukoo3
Who narrated the hadith about making the Qunoot supplication after Rukoo3?
Abu Hurayrah
Is it an innovation to continually perform the Qunoot supplication during Fajr?
What is the proof from the companions that continuous Qunoot in Fajr is innovation? (4 points)
- Abu Malik S3ad ibn Tariq Al-shja3ee asked his dad
- His dad prayed behind Prophet, Abu Bakr Umar, Uthman, and Ali for 50 years in Koofah
- He said to his dad did they used to do Qunoot at Fajr?
- His dad replied: Oh my son its in innovation