Winter Exam 1 Flashcards
What are the 6 ocmponents of a Promleb oriented medical record?
Health history, Physical exam, Problem list, Assessment and Plan, Baseline Lab and IMaging, Progress Notes
What should you avoid in the histroy and PE?
abbreviations, ‘normal, good, poor negative’
What is a problem list
A running log of current and resolved problems i.e. diagnosis, new symptoms, lab findings, social problems, risk factors, allergies
What is the difference between Asessment and Plan?
Assessment: what you think, interpretations and rationale
Plan: What you intend to do, plan for each problem, diagnostics, therapeutics, education
What is the Format of a progress note?
SOAP: Subjective, objective, assessment, plan
What are some age and condition variations to the H&P?
Infants: dev. milestones, pregnancy and delivery, birth status
Pregnant women and adolescents and children
What should you write instead of abbreviations?
unit, international unit, daily, every other day, Never write a 0 by itself after a decimal and always use a 0 before a decimal pt., morphine sulfate, Magnesium sulfate, mcg, half strength, bedtime, subQ, ml,
grid used for central vision
inequal pupil size
confrontation test
peripherpal vision eval
diabetic retinopathy - background
optic disk is effected , dot hemmhorages, exudates
diabetic retinopathy - proliferative
formation of new vessels to compensate for anoxia
bottom lid folded out/in, respectively
inflammation on superfic layer anterior to rectus muscles
defective vision in half o ffield
Horners syndrome
interruptino of sympathietic system. triad of miosis, hemiandrosis, ptosis
loss of definitino of optic disc
fat deposit - defective fat metabolism
Which cranial nerves are involved in eye?
for muscles: 3,4,6
eyeball: optic n CN2
describe vasularity of sclera
functionally vascular and structurally avascular
chars of AIDS
cell mediated dysfunction,
optic n travels w what throught hthe optic foramien?
ophthalmic a/v
infants and the eye?
1st 8 weeks of gestation, 20/200, 3mo tears, 6 mo color, 9 mo binocular, less spherical
pregnancy and the eye?
corneal edema, lysozyme tears, krukenber spindles/pigments
what part of brain is mainly rsponsibe for mental tatus>
what does the outer corex layer of brain do w mental status?
higher functions, perceptions, behavior
what does frontal lobe do?
speech in motor cortex, Broca area, goals, short term memory