Winter Event Roles and Responsibilities Flashcards
What time is briefing
8:30 in theatre foyer
List what P3 Execs do
Move all percussion instruments in aux gym, treat instruments with care, rerack all chairs and stands in band room
What do P4 execs do
Set up 15 stands,
Place numbered cards on stands
These cards are found in exec room on the fridge
What happens at 1:25PM?
Attendance, eat lunch before and pick up Santa hat
WHen do you double check for intermission
What time do group execs set up for rotation games
What are responsibilities of group execs setting up
Set up own room first, then help others on your floor. Take photos of room before moving things
1:37 PM What happens?
Set up for recpetion
What is on reception table
Sanitizer bottles
3 extra sharpies
How late should reception execs stay out until
When do doors open
1: 40 PM
What to do at start of event as group exec
stand at respective stand, have pen and attendance sheet, write don first name and last intiial
What to do if you lose child
Role Emcee
uses intercome to commence and move groups along
Role of paparazzi
Take photos throughout event
Rotation 1
1:55 to 2:15 PM