Wine gastronomy Flashcards
What are the primary taste categories of food?
Sweetness (enemy) Umami (enemy) Acidity (friend) Salt (friend) Bitterness (enemy) Chili Heat (enemy)
What impact has sweetness in food on wine?
Increases bitterness, astringency, acidity, warming effect of alcohol
Decreases body, sweetness, fruitiness
-> pair with sweeter wines
What impact has umami in food on wine?
Increases bitterness, astringency, acidity, warming effect of alcohol
Decreases body, sweetness, fruitiness
-> less an issue if dish is also salty to balance (i.e. hard cheese, meat, smoked fish)
-> difficult for low tannin red wines or oaked whites
What impact has acid in food on wine?
Increases body, sweetness, fruitiness
Decreases acidity
-> generally good, as balances high acid wines
What impact has salt in food on wine?
Increases body, sweetness, fruitiness
Decreases astringency, bitterness, acidity
-> generally good, enhances fruit character and softens
What impact has bitterness in food on wine?
Increases bitterness
-> effect multiplies if bitterness also in wine (choose white wine or low-tannin red)
What impact has chili heat in food on wine?
Increases bitterness, astringency, acidity, warming effect of alcohol
Decreases body, richness, sweetness, fruitiness
-> difficult with high alcohol wines
-> can work well with sweet wines
What should be considered regarding flavour intensity?
wine and food should match in general (some exceptions for intensely flavoured food (i.e. curry)
Which combinations generally pair well?
Acid and Fat
Sweet and Salty
What are high-risk wines for food pairing?
More components, more complex with high bitterness and astringency from oak and grape tannins with high acidity and alcohol
If paired well result can be very interesting though
What are low-risk wines for food pairing?
Simple, unoaked wines but no interesting taste experience
Pairing principles
- Interaction of flavours important (independent of whether matching or contrasting)
- Local wine can go well with local food but not prerequisite
- White wine can go with meat and red wine with fish if structural elements match
- Wine pairing is largely subjective
Wine storage principles
- cool and constant temperature (10-15°C)
- refrigeration can damage cork
- wine with cork store on the side
- Keep away from strong light
- Keep away from vibrations
Medium/full-bodied, oaked white wines service temperature
Lightly chilled (10-13°C / 50-55°F) White Burgundy, Fumé Blanc
Light/medium-bodies white wines service temperature
Chilled (7-10°C / 45-50°F)
Muscadet, Pinot Grigio, NZ SavBlanc, Fino Sherry