Window of the Sky Points Flashcards
Regulates Qi and Blood
Removes Accumulation
Relieves Swelling
Benefits the Throat
Good for: Sore Throat Asthma Goiter Dizziness Flushed Face
ST 9
Stops Cough
Benefits the Throat
Resolves Phlegm
Disperses Accumulations
Good for: Cough Asthma Sore Throat Sudden Loss of Voice Scrofula (a disease with glandular swellings, probably a form of tuberculosis) Goiter
LI 18
Relaxes the Sinews and Muscles
Removes obstructions from the Channel
Brightens the Eyes
Good for:
Blurred Vision
Pain in the Shoulder, Elbow, and Arm
SI 16
Expels Wind Removes Obstruction from the Channel Opens the Orifices Brightens the Eyes Clears the Brain Soothes the Sinews Invigorates the Lower Back
Good for: Headache Nasal Obstruction Sore Throat Neck Rigidity Pain in the Shoulder and Back
UB 10
Clears Lung Heat Descends Lung Qi Cools Blood Stops Bleeding Calms the Po (Corporeal Soul)
Good for:
Pain in the side of the Upper Arm
LU 3
Clears Toxic Fire
Resolves Damp Heat
Removes Obstruction from the Channel
Good for: Deafness Tinnitus Sore Throat Swelling in the Cheek Sensation of a Foreign Body in the Throat Goiter
SI 17
Benefits the Head and Sense Organs
Regulates and Descends Qi
Good for: Headache Neck Rigidity Facial Swelling Blurred Vision Sudden Deafness
SJ 16
Clears Heat Stimulates the Descending of Lung Qi Resolves Phlegm Stops Cough Benefits the Throat Soothes Asthma
Good for: Asthma Cough Sore Throat Dry Throat Hiccup Sudden Hoarseness of Voice Difficulty in Swallowing Goiter
RN 22
Expels Wind
Clears the Mind
Benefits the Brain
Good for: Headache Neck Rigidity Blurring Vision Epistaxis Sore Throat Post-Apoplexy Aphasia Hemiplegia Mental Disorders
DU 16
Unbinds the Chest
Transforms Phlegm and Descends Rebellion
Regulates Qi and Dissipates Nodules
Benefits the Breasts
Good for:
Suffocating sensation in the Chest
Pain in the Hypochondrium
Swelling and Pain in the Axillary Region
PC 1