Wills & Trusts Flashcards
What are the requirements for validly executing a will?
In Florida, the following formalities must be observed:
- (1) the will must be in writing;
- (2) the will must be signed by the testator or another person at the direction of and in the presence of the testator;
- (3) the will must be signed at the end (signing on page 5 instead of 6, for example, is valid);
- (4) in the presence of at least two attesting witnesses; and
- (5) the witnesses must sign in the presence of:
- (a) the testator; and
- (b) each other.
No particular signing order is required, but the signature must be done as part of a single contemporaneous transaction.
Fraud in the factum v. fraud in the inducement
A will, or a portion thereof, may be challenged on the basis of fraud.
- (a) Fraud in the factum occurs when a person fraudulently causes a testator to execute a will without knowing the nature of the document. It will be deemed invalid and unenforceable.
- (b) A will procured by fraud in the inducement is still valid and enforceable.
What is a holographic will? Is it enforceable in Florida?
A will that is entirely in the handwriting of the testator and signed by the testator, but lacking witnesses.
A holographic will may not be admitted into probate in Florida even if it was validly executed in another state. However, a handwritten will that follows all of the will formalities will be deemed valid.
What scheme of intestate distribution does Florida use?
Florida follows a strict per stirpes scheme of distribution:
- (1) The estate is divided into shares at the “root” generation, which is the first generation after the decedent.
- (2) Each member receives a share, whether the member is living or dead at the time of the decedent’s death.
- (3) If a member of the root generation predeceased the decedent, the deceased member’s share descends strict per stirpes to the lineal descendants of the deceased member.
Ademption by extinction
Property that is to be disposed of in a will is adeemed by extinction if it is no longer in the testator’s estate at the time of his death. Florida follows the modern approach, which considers the intent of the testator in determining whether property has adeemed.
Lapse and anti-lapse
When a beneficiary under a will dies before the testator, the gift lapses, and falls to the residuary estate unless it is saved by the Anti-Lapse Statute. In Florida, if there is a lapse in a gift given, the gift will pass to the intended beneficiary’s surviving family members, provided that those surviving family members are descendants of the testator’s grandparents.
Requirements for proving the contents of a lost will
The contents of a lost will may be proved by:
- (a) the testimony of two disinterested witnesses who knew the terms of the will; or
- (b) presentation of a correct copy of the will and the testimony of one disinterested witness.
What is a negative will?
A negative will is a will that expressly disinherits an heir. Florida does not permit negative wills.
What is a pretermitted child? Can they claim any share of the estate?
A pretermitted child is a child born after a testator has executed his will. If the testator fails to provide for a child born or adopted after execution of the testator’s will, the child may claim an intestate share as a pretermitted child, unless:
- (a) they received an advancement equal to their intestate share;
- (b) the omission was intentional, or
- (c) the testator had other children and left most of his estate to the parent of the omitted child.
In cases where paternity must be established, it is the date of birth that controls, not the date of legitimization.
How may a will be revoked?
A testator may revoke his will by making a subsequent writing that declares intent to revoke his will, and is executed with the requisite formalities for execution of a will.
Florida permits a testator to revoke a will by a physical act such as burning, tearing, canceling, defacing, obliterating, or destroying the document. Florida does not permit partial revocation by physical act, such as crossing out one clause in a will. If one portion of the will is crossed out, the crossed out portion will remain in effect.
For physical revocation of a copy to be valid, it must be an executed copy.
Florida intestate distribution order
If a decedent dies intestate, the entire portion of the estate will go to the surviving spouse if there are no descendants. If there are descendants of the decedent and not of the surviving spouse, the surviving spouse takes half and the other half is divided among all descendants.
If there is no surviving spouse, the order is:
- All to descendants, per stirpes;
- If no descendants, to parents or the surviving parent;
- If no descendants or parents, to brothers and sisters and their descendants, per stirpes;
- If no descendants, parents, siblings or descendants of siblings, one-half to paternal grandparents and their descendants and one-half to maternal grandparents and their descendants;
- Kindred of the last deceased spouse, as if she had survived the decedent and then died.
Failing all of the above, the estate escheats to the state.

What are advancements and how do they affect the estate?
An advancement is a transfer to a potential beneficiary that occurs before the intestate death of the decedent. No gift is considered an advancement unless such an intention is declared in a contemporaneous writing by the testator, or acknowledged in writing as such by the beneficiary. Advancements are not binding on a predeceased’s heir’s successors unless the instrument provides otherwise.
If a beneficiary received a cash advancement, the value of the advancement will be set at the sum received. If the beneficiary received an advancement in the form of property, the value of the advancement will be determined by the value of the property at the time the advancement was made, not at the time of the decedent’s death.
Under the “hotchpot” method, the advances are added back into the estate, the total is divided by the number of recipients, and the advances are then subtracted from the individual shares.
Uniform Simultaneous Death Act
If it is not possible to determine which of two persons died first, the property of each person will pass as if that person survived the other person. In other words, the beneficiary dying at the same time as the testator will be treated as predeceased.
However, this presumption does not apply if there is a contrary intention expressed in the governing instrument.
Slayer statute
A person who feloniously and intentionally kills another person or procures the death of another person forfeits all death-related benefits that the slayer would have derived from the decedent.
A criminal conviction for murder is conclusive proof that the killing was felonious and intentional.
However, lineal descendants of the slayer will receive the slayer’s benefit as if they had died.
Elements of a valid private trust
To determine whether a valid private trust has been created, look for the following characteristics:
- (1) Settlor with capacity
- (2) Present intent to create a trust (manifested by settlor’s words, writing, or conduct; no precatory expressions)
- (3) Trustee with capacity and duties (inter vivos trusts only; a testamentary trust will not fail for lack of a trustee)
- (4) Definite beneficiary or beneficiaries (Note: Same person cannot be sole trustee and sole beneficiary)
- (5) Trust property (res)
- (6) Valid trust purpose (one that is not illegal, against public policy, or impossible to achieve)
What are precatory expressions and how do they affect the creation of a trust?
A settlor’s expression of a hope, wish, or mere suggestion that the property be used in a certain way is called precatory language. The usual inference is that precatory expressions don’t create a trust. This inference can be overcome when:
- The directions are definite and precise, not vague;
- The directions are addressed by a decedent to their executor or administrator, or to one who otherwise occupies the position of a fiduciary under the will;
- Failure to impose a trust results in an “unnatural” disposition by a testator (such as when a close relative takes no interest under the will); or
- Extrinsic evidence shows that the transferor had been supporting the alleged beneficiary prior to executing the instrument, and the beneficiary wouldn’t have sufficient means of support absent a finding that a trust was created.
When will a trust’s purpose violate public policy? What is the effect?
Public policy is violated if the purpose of a trust is to: induce others to engage in criminal or tortious acts; encourage immorality; or induce a person to neglect parental, familial, or civic duties. Invalid conditions commonly seen on the exam include those that encourage divorce or the commission of crimes and provisions restraining the right to procreate or the free practice of religion. If a condition attached to an interest is against public policy:
- The settlor’s alternative desire controls if expressed
- If the invalid condition is a condition subsequent, the condition is invalidated but the trust is valid
- If the illegal condition is a condition precedent, the preferred view is to hold the interest valid unless there is evidence that the settlor’s wish would be to void the beneficiary’s interest altogether if the condition is unenforceable
Can a trust be created if there is a promise to create a trust that is unsupported by consideration? How does it differ from a promise that is supported by consideration?
An unenforceable gratuitous promise cannot be the subject of a trust.
Where a promise to create a trust isn’t supported by consideration (gratuitous), a trust arises when all elements of a valid trust have been met if, but only if, at that subsequent time the settlor manifests an intention then to create the trust. Indicia of a trust might include actions such as distributing income to the beneficiary or keeping records like a trustee would.
When a promise to hold property to be received in the future in trust is supported by consideration, under contract law the trust automatically attaches when the property is received.
What is the effect of a valid trust with no named trustee?
No trust fails for want of a trustee. If the intention to create a trust is clearly manifested but no trustee is named, or the named trustee dies or resigns with no provision for a successor trustee, the court will appoint a suitable trustee to execute the trust.
What are the rules that require ascertainable beneficiaries for a trust? Are unborn beneficiaries allowed?
A private trust must have ascertainable beneficiaries. Beneficiaries need not be identified at the time a trust is created, but they must be susceptible of identification by the time their interests are to come into enjoyment. If a trust fails for lack of a beneficiary, a resulting trust in favor of the settlor or his successors is presumed.
An unborn beneficiary may be described in the instrument, and the trust will be valid even as to his interest. Thus, if A conveys “to T in trust for B for life, remainder to B’s children,” the beneficiaries are “definite” even though B had no children at the time of the trust conveyance. It is sufficient that B’s children would be susceptible of identification at the time their interests were to come into enjoyment (on B’s death).
Are beneficiaries required for honorable or charitable trusts?
The rule requiring a private trust to have definite beneficiaries does not apply to charitable trusts; beneficiaries of a charitable trust must be indefinite. Charitable purposes may be expressed in general terms. A charitable trust must have a purpose considered to benefit the public.
An honorary trust is one without beneficiaries who can enforce the trust, such as a trust for the care of pets; a trustee was traditionally on their honor to carry out the trust.
Are voluntary assignments of a beneficiary’s interest in a trust permitted?
Absent restrictions by statute or by the trust instrument, a beneficiary may freely transfer their interest in the trust. The assigned interest remains subject to all previous conditions and limitations.
What are the rights of a beneficiary’s creditors in a trust instrument where there are no restrictions on the beneficiary’s rights? What about a settlor’s creditors?
Absent restrictions by statute or by the trust instrument, an insolvent trust beneficiary’s creditors may levy on his beneficial interest. The interest is subject to judicial sale. To avoid this, a court may order the trustee to pay the beneficiary’s income to the creditors until the debt is satisfied.
A settlor’s creditors may levy on the property of a revocable trust to the extent such property, if owned directly by the settlor, would not be exempt from creditors’ claims. If the trust is irrevocable, a creditor may reach distributions made for the settlor’s benefit.
What is a spendthrift trust and what are the rights of creditors? Are assignments of spendthrift trusts enforceable?
A spendthrift trust is one in which the beneficiary is unable voluntarily or involuntarily to transfer their interest in the trust, which means their creditors are precluded from reaching it to satisfy their claims. Although a spendthrift trust is a restraint on alienation, most courts uphold spendthrift restrictions.
A beneficiary’s creditors cannot reach the trust interest until income has been paid to the beneficiary.
A restriction permitting the beneficiary to voluntarily alienate his interest, but purporting to deny creditors the right to reach the beneficiary’s interest, is probably invalid.
A beneficiary’s assignees can’t force the trustee to pay them directly. However, the trustee may choose to honor a purported assignment by the beneficiary, but the trustee may recommence payments to the beneficiary at any time, and the beneficiary may withdraw their direction to pay the assignee.
What are the exceptions to spendthrift trusts?
A spendthrift clause can’t be used to shield the beneficiary from:
- (a) the creditors of the settlor/beneficiary of a spendthrift trust;
- (b) claims for support, alimony, and services provided to protect the beneficiary’s interest; or
- (c) claims by the government.
Moreover, a creditor can reach a mandatory distribution of income or principal if the trustee didn’t make it within a reasonable time.
What are creditors’ rights in discretionary trusts?
If the trustee has discretion to pay all or so much of the income and/or principal to or for the benefit of the beneficiary, the beneficiary doesn’t have any “right” to the income until the trustee exercises his power. Thus, the beneficiary’s creditor can’t compel payment from the trustee or otherwise reach the beneficiary’s interest, even in the absence of a spendthrift clause.
But if the trustee is served with process, he must first satisfy the creditor’s claim before exercising his power in favor of the beneficiary.
If a trust instrument names more than one trustee, must decisions be unanimous?
Co-trustees who are unable to reach a unanimous decision may act by majority decision. If a co-trustee cannot perform because of, for example, absence or illness, the remaining co-trustees may act for the trust (unless otherwise specified for the trust instrument).
What are the beneficiaries’ remedies against a trustee for breach of trust?
Whenever a trustee breaches fiduciary duty (self-dealing, improper investment, etc.) the beneficiary has a choice of options:
- (a) Ratify the transaction and waive the breach.
- (b) Sue for the resulting loss in a surcharge action. The measure of damages would be the difference between what the trustee paid for the investment and its worth at the time of suit.
In self-dealing cases, the beneficiary can:
- (a) Trace profits from the trustee if the trustee profited,
- (b) Affirm the transaction if the trust profited, or
- (c) Set aside the transaction if the trust lost money.
A breaching trustee is liable for the greater of the amount necessary to restore the trust property and the trustee’s profit from the breach.
Can a third party sue a trustee for torts committed as trustee? What about in contract?
A third party may sue the trustee in their representative capacity for torts committed by the trustee or their agent. However, the trustee may be sued personally in tort only if personally at fault, not by reason of respondeat superior. If the tort claimant sues the trust estate instead of the trustee personally, the estate may seek indemnification from the trustee individually.
A trustee may be sued on the contract or in tort in the trustee’s representative capacity. But the trustee may be sued personally on the contract only if, in entering into the contract, they failed to reveal their representative capacity and identify the trust.
When may a court reform a trust? Can a settlor prevent reformation? Do spendthrift provisions prevent reformation?
A trust may be modified or terminated by the court upon petition of a qualified beneficiary under certain circumstances:
- (a) it is not inconsistent with the settlor’s purpose;
- (b) it is in the best interests of the beneficiaries;
- (c) continuance of the trust would be uneconomical;
- (d) modification would achieve the settlor’s tax objectives; or
- (e) reformation is necessary to correct a mistake.
Nonjudicial modification or termination is permitted if, after the settlor’s death, the trustee and all beneficiaries agree.
A settlor may expressly prohibit judicial reformation in the terms of the trust.
The court must consider spendthrift provisions when making modifications, but such provisions do not preclude the court from modifying the trust.
Are oral trusts permitted? What about trusts of land?
Irrevocable oral trusts of personal property are enforceable. Oral trusts may be established only by clear and convincing evidence.
For a trust of land, however, a written instrument signed by the person entitled to impress the trust upon the property is required under the Statute of Frauds. Note that an otherwise invalid oral trust of land may be enforced by imposing a constructive trust.
Recall that contracts to devise land or personal property in a will require a signed writing and 2 witnesses.
What is cy pres and when may it be used?
Because a trust for charitable purposes may be perpetual, it often happens that the specific charitable purpose is accomplished or becomes impracticable, unlawful, impossible to achieve, or wasteful. In that case, the court may apply the doctrine of cy pres to modify or terminate the trust by directing that the trust property be applied or distributed, in whole or in part, in a manner consistent with the settlor’s charitable purposes rather than permit the trust to fail and become a resulting trust.
The settlor, trustee, or any qualified beneficiary may petition the court to distribute the property under cy pres, which means “as near as possible.” In formulating an alternative use for the trust property, the court must determine the settlor’s primary purpose, although the settlor’s other purposes should be taken into account.
How are “testamentary” aspects of a trust handled?
Provisions in a revocable inter vivos trust that control the disposition of trust property on the settlor’s death (that is, “testamentary aspects”) are ineffective unless the trust instrument and any amendments are executed in accordance with the Statute of Wills.
What is a constructive trust and when is it used? What is a constructive trustee’s duty?
A constructive trust applies in a variety of circumstances where a person acquires title to property wrongfully. It functions as a flexible equitable remedy to prevent unjust enrichment resulting from wrongful conduct such as fraud, undue influence, or breach of a fiduciary duty.
The constructive trustee’s only duty is to convey the property to the person who would have owned it but for the wrongful conduct. Proof of the facts necessary to establish a constructive trust must be made by clear and convincing evidence.
Note that BFPs who purchase wrongfully acquired trust property are protected.
What is the effect of clauses appearing after the testator’s signature in a will?
In Florida, a will must be signed at the end. If a portion of the will follows the testator’s signature and was present at the time of execution, the entire will is invalid. If the provision was added after execution, the will is valid but the provision is not.
Are no-contest clauses permitted in Florida?
In Florida, a provision in a will purporting to penalize a beneficiary for contesting the will or instituting other proceedings relating to the estate is unenforceable.
Are no-contest clauses permitted in Florida?
In Florida, a provision in a will purporting to penalize a beneficiary for contesting the will or instituting other proceedings relating to the estate is unenforceable.
What are the qualifications to be a personal representative?
The personal representative (“PR”) must: be 18 or older; have mental capacity; not be a convicted felon; never have been convicted of abusing, neglecting, or exploiting the elderly or disabled; and be a Florida resident. If the person is not a resident of Florida, the person must be a relative (or a spouse of a relative) of the decedent or her spouse. Banks, savings and loans, and other trust companies authorized to exercise fiduciary powers may also serve.
When is summary administration proper? What is exempt property?
Summary administration may apply if the estate value minus the exempt property ($20,000 plus two vehicles) is less than $75,000 or the decedent has been dead for more than two years. Property that is specifically or demonstratively devised is not included in exempt property. In a testate estate, if the will specifically directs a formal administration, there cannot be a summary administration.
If the decedent was unmarried with no children, there is no exempt property.
When is ancillary administration proper? How does it work?
If a nonresident dies leaving assets in Florida, ancillary administration is necessary. If the will and any codicils are executed as required by Florida law, they will be admitted to probate. Unless creditors’ claims are otherwise barred, the ancillary personal representative must publish and serve a notice to the creditors.
Property located in Florida, although subject to ancillary administration, is controlled by the law of the decedent’s domicile unless the testator provides in the will that the testamentary disposition of the property is governed by Florida law.
What is dependent relative revocation and when may it be used?
The doctrine of dependent relative revocation (“DRR”) applies when a testator revokes their will under the mistaken belief that another disposition of their property would be effective, and but for this mistaken belief, they would not have revoked the will. If the other disposition fails, the revocation also fails and the will remains in force. DRR is applied only if it comes closer to what the testator tried (but failed) to do than would an intestate distribution.
May foreign wills be admitted in Florida?
A will (other than a holographic or oral will) executed by a nonresident of Florida is valid in Florida if validly executed under the law of the place where the testator was at the time of execution.
If the will is written in a different language, it can be admitted in Florida as long as a translation is provided.
Note that this rule applies only to nonresidents. If a Florida resident executes a will outside of Florida that does not comply with Florida rules, the will is invalid.
Can external documents be incorporated into a will by reference?
A document may be incorporated by reference into a will, provided: (1) it is in existence at the time of execution, (2) it is sufficiently described in the will to permit identification, and (3) the will manifests an intent to incorporate the document.
An exception to the requirement that the document exist at execution permits a Florida testator to refer in their will to a list specifying the distribution of items of tangible personal property (not including money), and to write or alter that list later. Extrinsic evidence is admissible to identify the writing whose terms are to be incorporated by reference. The writing:
- (1) Must be signed by the testator,
- (2) Must describe the items and the devisees with reasonable certainty,
- (3) May be prepared before or after the execution of the will, and
- (4) May be altered by the testator after its initial preparation.
What is the statue of limitations for filing creditors’ claims against an estate?
A creditor with notice must file its claim with the court before the later of:
- (a) 3 months after the first publication of notice, or
- (b) 30 days after date of service of the notice.
Unknown and unascertainable creditors must file their claims within 3 months after the first publication of the notice. Claims arising after death are not subject to the timely filing requirement.
When can an estate administration be reopened after completion?
Once the estate is completely administered and the PR is discharged, the administration will only be reopened upon discovery of additional estate property. The discovery of a later will cannot reopen administration.
What are the powers and liabilities of joint personal representatives?
If two or more persons are appointed joint PRs, a majority must agree to any act. The requirement does not apply if the will provides otherwise, if emergency action is required, or if one has been delegated to act for the others.
A PR who objects in writing at or before the time of an action cannot be held liable for the wrongful actions of the majority.
Can a personal representative rely on the advice of a third party? Will the PR be liable for bad decisions made while relying on outside advice?
A PR has the power, without court order, to hire attorneys, accountants, investment advisors, and others, and is entitled to rely on their advice, without independent investigation.
If the advice turns out to be erroneous, the PR is not liable for any resulting loss as long as he acted prudently in employing and taking the advice of the professional.
When is a beneficiary barred from disclaiming an interest in a will? What if the beneficiary has creditors?
The right to disclaim an interest is barred if:
- (a) the beneficiary gives a written waiver of the right to disclaim;
- (b) the beneficiary accepts the property or any of its benefits;
- (c) the beneficiary voluntarily assigns, transfers, or encumbers the interest, or contracts to do so;
- (d) the property is sold pursuant to judicial process; or
- (e) the beneficiary is insolvent.
A disclaimer is valid as against creditors of the disclaimant because the disclaimant never owned the property. However, a disclaimer cannot be used to defeat a federal tax lien.
What is required to validly disclaim an interest in a will?
To be valid, a disclaimer must:
- (1) be in writing and be identified as a disclaimer,
- (2) describe the interest or power being disclaimed,
- (3) be signed, witnessed, and acknowledged, and
- (4) be delivered.
Disclaimer can be total or partial and results in property passing as though disclaimant predeceased decedent. Disclaimer can be made by guardian of minor or incompetent, or by personal representative of a deceased heir or will beneficiary. The right to disclaim exists irrespective of any spendthrift provision or similar restriction.
What are the inheritance rights of adopted children?
For purposes of intestate succession, adopted children are treated the same as natural children of the adopting parents. There is no inheritance in either direction between adopted children and their natural parents, except where an adopting parent marries one of the natural parents or the child is adopted by a close relative. Any parent, natural or adoptive, is barred from inheriting from a child if that parent’s parental rights were terminated.
If a stepparent adopts after the death of a parent, the child inherits from the stepparent, the living parent, and the deceased parent’s family. If the stepparent adopts the child during the biological parent’s life, the child inherits from the stepparent, and the remarried parent only.
What are the inheritance rights of half bloods?
Half bloods are brothers and sisters who have only one common parent. For purposes of inheritance by collateral kin, Florida provides that half bloods take half as much as whole bloods, except where all collateral kin are half bloods.
What is the order of distributing assets to creditors of insolvent estates?
Class 1: Expenses of administration
Class 2: Funeral expenses up to $6,000
Class 3: Debts and taxes having precedence under federal law, Medicaid claims, and claims in favor of the state for unpaid court costs, fees, or fines
Class 4: Expenses of last illness up to 60 days
Class 5: Family allowance
Class 6: Arrearage from court-ordered child support
Class 7: Decedent’s business debts acquired after death, to the extent of the business assets
Class 8: Other claims
What are the rules governing nonprobate assets included in wills?
A will cannot make a gift of nonprobate assets (interests that pass at death other than by will or intestacy). Also, nonprobate assets are not subject to the PR’s possession for purposes of administering the decedent’s estate. Nonprobate assets include:
- The decedent’s interest in property held in joint tenancy with right of survivorship or by the entirety, or interest in “payable on death” or survivorship accounts or securities
- Property in revocable trusts created by the decedent
- Property in irrevocable trusts created by the decedent if the trustee can make distributions to the decedent
- Gifts in excess of $15,000 (per donee) made by the decedent within a year of death
- The decedent’s interest in property that constitutes the decedent’s protected homestead
- The net cash surrender value of the decedent’s life insurance
- Death benefits from a pension
What effects do divorce and separation have on wills, trusts, and life insurance policies?
Dissolution of marriage following execution of a will revokes all will provisions in favor of the former spouse. The will is read as if the former spouse predeceased the testator. Florida applies the same rule to revocable trusts, life insurance policies, and any other interest that transfers to a spouse at death. The governing instrument is construed as though the former spouse died at the time of the dissolution. These provisions aren’t revoked, though, if made after the dissolution or pursuant to a court order. Will provisions in favor of a spouse do not get revived if the decedent and divorces spouse remarry; a new will is required.
Mere separation has no effect.
What are the rules regarding contracts relating to wills?
A testator may enter into a contract to make a will, to make a gift by will, or not to revoke her will. In a typical will contract, the parties agree on the terms of their wills and provide that the survivor will not revoke his will after the other’s death. All contracts relating to wills must be in writing and signed by the agreeing party in the presence of 2 witnesses.
If there was a contract to make or not revoke a will and that contract is breached, the second will is probated, and a constructive trust is imposed for the beneficiaries of the contract.
Execution of mutual wills does not create a presumption of a contract to make a will or to not revoke a will.
What is the difference between general legacies, demonstrative legacies, and specific legacies, and how does ademption apply to them? What are the special ademption rules for specific legacies?
A specific devise or legacy is a gift of a particular item or property distinct from all other objects in the testator’s estate. A general legacy is a gift of a general economic benefit (usually a dollar amount) payable out of the general assets of the estate without requiring any particular source of payment. A demonstrative legacy is a gift of a general amount that is to be paid from a particular source or fund. If the designated fund is insufficient, the balance will usually be paid from other assets of the estate.
General and demonstrative legacies are not subject to ademption. Ademption applies only to specific devises and bequests. If the other assets are insufficient to pay out the general legacies, they are paid out in proportion to the legacies specified.
However, if the testator becomes incapacitated, a guardian is appointed, and specifically devised property is sold by the guardian, the devisee is entitled to a general legacy equal to the sale price of the specific legacy. In cases not involving sale by a guardian, a specific devisee has a right to any balance owing to the testator because of sale of the property under a contract which is still executory at the testator’s death.
What is the effect of a self-proving affidavit in a will?
For a will to be self-proving, at the time it is signed by the testator and witnesses (or some later time during T’s life), a self-proving affidavit reciting all elements of due execution is sworn to by the testator and witnesses before a notary public. The formalities of execution (but not mental capacity, lack of fraud, undue influence, etc.) are conclusively presumed. Signatures on the affidavit can also serve as the signatures needed on the will itself.
What is a pretermitted spouse and what do they receive?
If a person marries after executing a will and the spouse survives the testator, the new spouse takes an intestate share of the testator’s estate as a “pretermitted spouse.” A pretermitted spouse will not receive an intestate share if:
- (a) the right has been waived by antenuptial or postnuptial agreement;
- (b) the testator made a gift in the will to the spouse in contemplation of the marriage; or
- (c) the omission was intentional.
What type of property can be contained in a trust?
With regard to trust property, the property may be real or personal, tangible or intangible, legal or equitable, and may be either a present or future interest.
An interest that has not yet come into existence cannot be held in trust. The trust res must be existing property that the settlor has the power to convey.
Florida specifically provides that death benefits, including proceeds of an individual life insurance policy, may be made payable to a trustee under a trust agreement or declaration of trust in existence at the time of the death of the insured.
What are the duties of a trustee? What are the rules regarding investment of trust property?
The trustee has a duty to administer the trust in good faith and in a prudent manner, in accordance with the terms and purposes of the trust instrument and the interests of the beneficiaries. There is also a basic duty to preserve and protect the trust corpus.
In Florida, a trustee must invest and manage trust assets as a prudent investor would, taking into account the purposes, terms, distribution requirements, and other circumstances of the trust. Each investment must be evaluated in the context of the entire trust portfolio and as part of an overall investment strategy that has risk and return objectives reasonably suited to the particular trust. A trustee must diversify the investments of the trust unless the trustee reasonably determines that, because of special circumstances, the purposes of the trust are better served without diversification.
What actions can a court take when a trustee commits a breach of trust?
If the trustee commits a breach of trust duties, the court can enforce several remedies, including:
- (1) specific performance of the trustee’s duties,
- (2) an injunction against the trustee from committing a breach of trust,
- (3) compelling the trustee to pay money or restore property, and
- (4) suspending the trustee.
What is the effect of revoking a codicil?
Recall that revocation of a will revokes all codicils thereto. By contrast, revocation of a codicil to a will does not automatically revoke the will. Instead, it is presumed that the testator intended their will as originally executed.
In the absence of evidence to the contrary, it is presumed that in revoking a codicil, the testator intended to reinstate the provisions of the will changed by the codicil as though the codicil had never been executed.
How does the elective share statute protect widowed spouses? What is the time for filing notice of election? Can the right be waived?
The elective share statute gives the surviving spouse the election to take a statutory share of the estate instead of taking under the decedent’s will. In Florida, the elective share is 30% of the decedent’s elective estate. The elective share is in addition to the spouse’s right to exempt property, family allowance, and homestead. It follows the concept of the “augmented” estate, and includes even property located outside of Florida and certain nonprobate assets (such as the net cash surrender value of a life insurance policy).
The right to take an elective share can be waived by a written instrument, and full disclosure of assets is not required for this waiver to be valid if entered before the marriage. If entered during the marriage, there must be a full disclosure. The instrument can, however, be set aside on grounds of incapacity or duress.
The election isn’t automatic; the spouse must file notice of the election within the earlier of 6 months after the service of notice of the administration, or 2 years after the decedent’s death.
Can nonmarital children inherit from their parents as marital children?
Children born out of wedlock are heirs of the mother but not of the father, unless he marries the mother, is adjudicated the father before or after his death, or acknowledges paternity in writing.
The nonmarital child can inherit from his father if his natural parents participated in a marriage ceremony, even if the marriage ended up being void.
Is extrinsic evidence allowed to prove a mistake in a will?
In Florida, evidence that a will provision is the result of mistake of fact or law is always admissible (even if the will is unambiguous) and, if proven, will result in reformation of the will. The standard for proving a mistake is by clear and convincing evidence.
Extrinsic evidence is also permitted to show that a provision was mistakenly omitted from a will.
Can a will be revoked by physical act by someone other than the testator?
Florida permits a will to be revoked by physical act by another person, provided that the revocation is at the testator’s direction and in the testator’s presence.
Thus, the testator cannot direct someone to destroy their will over the phone; they must be present for it.
What is the proper venue for probate proceedings?
Probate is proper in the county at which the decedent was a resident at the time of death.
What is the deadline for filing notice of objection to a will’s validity?
An interested person on whom notice is served must file any objection that challenges the will’s validity, venue, or the court’s jurisdiction on or before the date that is three months after the date of service of the notice of administration.
What happens if a testator executes a codicil that does not expressly revoke previous instruments and contains inconsistencies?
If the subsequent testamentary instrument does not expressly revoke the earlier will or codicil, the two are read together, with the later instrument revoking the earlier only to the extent of inconsistent provisions.
What are acts of independent significance and how do they affect wills?
A will may dispose of property by reference to acts and events, even though they are in the future and unattested, if they have significance apart from their effect on dispositions made by the will.
For example, a bequest to “each person in my employ at the time of my death” is valid because a testator would not make employment decisions solely for the purpose of disposing of her property.
What happens if a trust has mixed private and charitable purposes?
Where the beneficiaries of a single trust are both charitable and noncharitable, the trust is a “mixed trust” and the special rules for charitable trusts do not apply. Two separate trusts may be found to exist if there is some indication as to how much of the corpus the settlor intended to be applied towards charitable purposes.
Are trustees entitled to compensation?
Trustees are entitled to reasonable compensation, even if the trust instrument does not authorize payments. Reasonable compensation is determined by taking into account the time and labor involved, the novelty and difficulty of the questions involved, and the skills required. The court may also consider fees customarily charged in the locality for similar services and the experience, reputation, diligence, and ability of the trustee.
If it is determined that excess compensation was received from the trust for services rendered, appropriate refunds will be ordered.
What is the order of preference for appointment of a personal representative?
If the decedent left a will, the preference is:
- (1) the person nominated in the will;
- (2) the person selected by a majority in interest of the persons entitled to the estate;
- (3) a devisee under the will.
When does a presumption of undue influence on a testator arise?
A presumption of undue influence arises if a person:
- (1) occupies a confidential relationship with the testator,
- (2) is active in procuring the will, and
- (3) is a substantial beneficiary under the will.
What are the rules regarding satisfaction of legacies?
A testamentary gift may be satisfied in whole or in party by an inter vivos transfer of the legacy prior to the death of the testator, if the testator intends the transfer to have that effect. The doctrine of satisfaction of legacies does not apply unless the testator provides for satisfaction in the will or a contemporaneous writing, or the devisee acknowledges, in writing, that the gift is a satisfaction.
Therefore, the testator writing a properly executed memorandum that an inter vivos transfer is made “in lieu of” a testamentary gift, it will be considered satisfied.
What is required for a testator to have capacity?
The burden of proof is on the will contestant to show lack of capacity. The testator must have had capacity at the time the will was executed, but it need not continue until death. To have capacity, a testator must be at least 18 years old (or be emancipated) and:
- (1) understand the nature of the act they are doing;
- (2) know the nature and character of their property;
- (3) know the natural objects of their bounty; and
- (4) understand the dispositions they wish to make.
What happens if specifically devised property is subject to a lien?
The Florida statutes provide that liens on specifically devised property are not to be exonerated unless the will directs exoneration. Therefore, land will pass to beneficiaries subject to liens or mortgages if the will does not direct the PR to exonerate them.
The exoneration must be specific to the property; a general request that liens be exonerated on all probate assets will be ineffective.
Can a trustee disclaim a trusteeship? What is required to accept a trusteeship?
A person designated as trustee must accept the trusteeship. Before acceptance, a trustee can disclaim or refuse appointment for any reason, but they can’t accept a trust in part and disclaim it in part. A person accepts a trusteeship by:
- (a) substantially complying with the acceptance terms in the trust instrument; or
- (b) accepting delivery of trust property, exercising powers or performing duties as trustee, or indicating acceptance.
If the trusteeship isn’t accepted within a reasonable time, it is presumed to be rejected.
What is “insane delusion” and how does it affect wills?
Insane delusion is a distinctive form of incapacity in which the testator, otherwise sane, spontaneously conceives as a fact something that has no truth except in the imagination. To be an insane delusion, the conception must be persistently adhered to against all evidence and reason without evidence of any kind to support it.
It differs from a mere illogical belief, which may arise, albeit imperfectly and illogically, from a known premise. A will or a gift in the will is invalid if it is the product of an insane delusion.