Wills Introduction Flashcards
Intestate Succession Basic Idea
Property is distributed along a fixed set of rules to your relatives if you die without any instructions saying where your stuff should go.
Wills Basic Idea
Society allowed a person during life to determine where property was to pass upon death. There’s no constitutional right to dead hand control. Most states have strict compliance with formalities.
CA permits a will with “harmless errors” with the formalities to be probated under some circumstances.
Will Substitutes - Probate Avoidance
This is a form of avoiding probate. Some property passes outside the will as a format.
When you distribute someone’s property, you gotta pull out the nonprobate property first.
Nonprobate Property
Gratuitous transfers of property that pass upon death but not under the testator’s will or through intestacy.
Nonprobate property must first be removed from the decedent’s estate.
Examples of Nonprobate Estates
1) Inter vivos gifts
2) Inter vivos trusts (living trusts govern it, not the will)
3) Future interests (like a life estate to A with remainder to B)
4) Co-ownership of property
-> Tenancy in common (no survivorship)
-> Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship (goes to surviving joint tenant, not under the dead guy’s will)
5) Assets held in pay-on-death format:
-> Bank accounts
-> Corporate securities
-> Life insurance
-> Retirement plans
-> Annuities
-> 401ks