Wills -IHT Flashcards
When is IHT payable?
End of 6th month after death
IHT rates threshold and rate? Who pays it?
Chargeable on estates greater than £325,000 (NRB). Standard rate is 40%. Paid by executors, beneficiaries don’t usually pay.
Deductions before IHT is calculated?
Funeral expenses, reliefs (taper, NRB, RNRB), exemptions (gifts to spouse/charities, check whether life or death estate), debts, liability
When do chargeable transfers occur?
In death and in life
How does your domicile affect IHT?
If UK domiciled, IHT payable on assets all over the world. If non UK domiciled, assets are excluded (including UK ones).
Is expenditure for family maintenance chargeable to IHT?
No e.g. school fees for child (under 18), looking after dependant (incapacitated family member), you/spouse’s parents or former spouse (for their benefit, arms length negotiations, not based on court order)
How to measure IHT
Loss to the estate, not gain to the recipient
Related property
Property owned by spouse/civil partner or within the last 5 years was donated by spouse to charity, policitical/national/public bodies.
Applicable where value of transferor’s property is higher when combined with that of spouses (e.g. jewellery set).
How to calculate related property proportion? E.g. if 2 related properties are worth £1.5m together and £1.2m separately.
1.2m/1.5m = 0.96.
0.96 * 1.5m = 1,440,000
IHT is charged on 1.44m instead of 1.2m.
Are lifetime transfers generally chargeable?
No many are PETs (exempt if individual survives for 7 years)
What are the exempt transfers in life and death?
Gifts to spouse in life or death (unless spouse isn’t domiciled in UK, then first £325k).
Gifts to charities/political parties/national purposes/heritage maintenance fund (any amount)
What are the exempt transfers in life only?
Small gifts (£250) out of income, if over £250, entire amount is chargeable, as long as not used another allowance on same person.
Gifts on marriage - per marriage (not each for bride and groom), £5 to your child, £2.5k to grandchild, £1k to anyone else. Can combine with annual exemption for same person.
Regular payments (any amount) out of regular monthly income, has sufficient money left after payment.
Annual exemption
Taper relief
What is annual exemption?
£3,000 a year that’s not added to taxable estate, can carry forward unused exemption but only for 1 tax year.
Relief on death only
Woodlands (not suitable for agricultural or business relief) but woods and underwood are still growing, value of woodland excluded from estate and IHT until disposed of
Quick succession (when someone dies within 5 years of receiving a gift from someone’s estate or a less than 7 year PET and IHT was already paid, decreases 20% every year).
Lifetime and death relief
Agricultural and business
Business relief conditions
Relief is given before annual exemption, doesn’t need to be formal claims.
100% relief if sole trader/partnership and unlisted company
50% relief if: shares in quoted company (if donor has more than 50% ordinary shares/voting control)
Must be trading, must not be an investment company (e.g. professional landlord) unless investments are excepted assets (relief is available for proportion of those assets).