Wills and Trusts Flashcards
Elements of an Express Trust (5)
1) SETTLOR with capacity to convey;
2) PRESENT INTENT to create a trust relationship;
3) Competent TRUSTEE with duties;
4) Definite BENEFICIARY; and
5) Same person is not the SOLE beneficiary
Also must be a PRESENT DISPOSITION in trust of SPECIFIC PROPERTY then owned by the settlor, and the trust must have a VALID TRUST PURPOSE
Consideration ≠ required
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What law governs express trusts?
Uniform Trust Code (“UTC”)
SC has adopted
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Settlor Must Have Capacity (What is required?)
One of five requirements for an express trust
Capacity requirement to create REVOCABLE or testamentary trust = same capacity required for making a will
Settlor’s lack of legal capacity to convey = NO trust
Undue influence, fraud, or duress = trust UNENFORCEABLE
For an IRREVOCABLE trust, settlor must have LEGAL POWER to convey the trust property
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Present Intention to Create a Trust
One of five requirements for an express trust
Intent = ESSENTIAL to existence of express trust
Manifested by WRITTEN or SPOKEN words, or by CONDUCT OF SETTLOR - unless S.o.W. or S.o.F. apply
ORAL trust of PERSONAL property = VALID
DELIVERY of deed to trustee = SUFFICIENT
COMMUNICATION OF INTENT to beneficiaries ≠ necessary
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Statute of Wills (S.o.W.)
Statute of Wills Requirements
1) Will must be in WRITING;
2) SIGNED by TESTATOR (the person making the will); and
3) WITNESSED by at least TWO other persons.
UPC carries forward the two witness requirement, except that a document is valid as a HOLOGRAPHIC WILL, whether or not witnessed, IF the SIGNATURE and MATERIAL PORTIONS of the document are in the TESTATOR’S HANDWRITING
Holographic Wills
MUST contain testator’s signature; NOT required to be at bottom of the will
Nickname, first name, even initials = signature
GIVES EFFECT to handwritten changes made by testator AFTER will is completed
If regular will meets all requirements EXCEPT two witnesses MAY be a holographic will, IF the SIGNATURE and MATERIAL PORTIONS of the document are in the TESTATOR’S HANDWRITING (and jurisdiction allows)
NOT GIVEN EFFECT: interlineations, changes in beneficiaries, amounts, etc. made AFTER the execution of an ATTESTED will - may work as a REVOCATION
Note - Watch for a fact pattern, HOWEVER, with these changes made to an [attested will] in a jurisdiction that [recognizes holographic wills.] If requirements met, OFTEN these changes = valid holographic CODICIL
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Legal term that signifies writing has been inserted between earlier language
It is commonly used to indicate the insertion of new language between previous sentences in a contract
Changes in beneficiaries, interlineations, amounts, etc. AFTER EXECUTION of an [attested will] in a jurisdiction that recognizes holographic wills, where other requirements are met = ?
Given effect as a [valid holographic CODICIL]
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Changes in beneficiaries, interlineations, amounts, etc. AFTER EXECUTION of an [attested will] in a jurisdiction that does not recognize holographic wills, where other requirements are met = ?
Not usually given effect
May work as a REVOCATION
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Statute of Frauds (S.o.F.)
Requirement that certain kinds of Ks be memorialized in
(ii) SIGNED by the party to be CHARGED,
(iii) with SUFFICIENT CONTENT to evidence the K
Required for Ks:
- In consideration of MARRIAGE
- Cannot be performed within one YEAR
- Transfer of an interest in LAND
- EXECUTOR of a will to pay a debt of the estate with his own money.
- Sale of GOODS totaling $500.00 or more.
- One party becomes a SURETY (acts as guarantor) for another party’s debt or other obligation
Ks of indefinite duration do not fall under S.o.F., regardless of how long the performance actually takes
Present Intention to Create a Trust - Timing
Must be externally manifested while SETTLOR OWNS property and PRIOR to conveyance
(Evidence of conduct subsequent to conveyance may be evidence of earlier incident)
Settlor’s intent must be that the trust take effect IMMEDIATELY, not at some future time
(Future interest can be trust property)
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Precatory Expressions
Expressions of a HOPE, wish, or mere suggestion that the property by used in a certain way
1) DEFINITE and PRECISE directions;
2) Directions addressed to a FIDUCIARY (e.g.: executor under a will);
3) A resulting “UNNATURAL” DISPOSITION of property (e.g.: close relative will otherwise take nothing) if no trust imposed; OR
4) Extrinsic evidence showing that the settlor PREVIOUSLY SUPPORTED the intended beneficiary
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Trustee - Appointment
Established trust ≠ fail because trustee dies, refuses to accept appointment, or resigns
Ct. will appoint successor trustee, UNLESS clear that settlor only wanted the trust to continue if that particular trustee served
Absence of a trustee may cause ATTEMPTED INTER VIVOS TRUST to fail for LACK OF DELIVERY
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Acceptance of Trusteeship
Person accepts by:
(i) SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLYING with the acceptance terms in the trust instrument; or
(ii) ACCEPTING delivery of trust property, EXERCISING POWERS or PERFORMING DUTIES as trustee, or INDICATING acceptance
Person designated to serve as trustee may still preserve trust property WITHOUT accepting trusteeship, provided he sends NOTICE OF REJECTION to the settlor or a qualified beneficiary
Trusteeship NOT accepted within a REASONABLE TIME, presumed to be REJECTED
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Trustee Must Have Duties
Settlor must INTEND to impose enforceable duties on the trustee
Duties not spelled out in trust instrument ➝ Ct. implies duties if there is INTENTION to create a trust, a RES, and an identified BENEFICIARY
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Qualifications of Trustee
Anyone who has (i) CAPACITY TO ACQUIRE AND HOLD property for HIS OWN benefit, and has (ii) CAPACITY TO ADMINISTER the trust may be a trustee
Minors and insane persons can HOLD property, but CANNOT administer
State statutes limit the right of some persons or corporations to serve as trustee (e.g.: foreign corporations)
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Compensation and Reimbursement of Trustee
Trustee is entitled to REASONABLE compensation or to compensation SPECIFIED in the TRUST instrument
Also entitled to REIMBURSEMENT for expenses incurred in [trust’s administration] and any other expenses that resulted in a [benefit to the trust]
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Removal of Trustee - Who Can Remove
(i) Ct. can remove a trustee on its OWN motion, or upon REQUEST by the (ii) SETTLOR, (iii) a BENEFICIARY, or (iv) a CO-TRUSTEE
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Disclaimer or Resignation by Trustee
BEFORE acceptance, a trustee can disclaim or refuse appointment for ANY reason
Trustee CANNOT accept a trust in part and disclaim it in part
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Successor Trustees
Successor trustee succeeds to ALL of the RIGHTS, POWERS, and PRIVILEGES of the original trustee, and ALL of the original trustee’s DUTIES, LIABILITIES, and RESPONSIBILITIES
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Merger of Title Where Sole Trustee is Also Sole Beneficiary
Sole Trustee = Sole Beneficiary
Same individual and hold the same interests ∴
titles MERGE ➝ trust TERMINATES
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Legal term for PROPERTY
Required element for a trust; trust w/o res FAILS
Removal of Trustee - Grounds for Removal (4)
Grounds for removal of a trustee include:
1) A serious BREACH OF TRUST;
2) LACK OF COOPERATION among co-trustees;
Basic factor considered ➝ continuation in office detrimental to trust?
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Removal of Trustee - What is Considered?
Basic factor considered = whether continuation in office would be DETRIMENTAL to the trust
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Relation Back of Acceptance of Trusteeship
Testamentary trust is treated in existence as of SETTLOR’S DEATH and trustee’s acceptance “relates back” to THAT DATE
∴ possible for trustee, by accepting, to become LIABLE (in his fiduciary capacity) on TORT CLAIMS arising PRIOR to the time he accepted
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Resignation by Trustee
Once appointment ACCEPTED, trustee can resign by either:
1) Giving 30 DAYS NOTICE to the qualified beneficiaries, settlor (if living), and co-trustees; OR
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Trust cannot exist w/o someone to enforce
∴ beneficiary NECESSARY to the validity of EVERY trust, EXCEPT charitable and honorary trusts
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Qualified Beneficiary
Beneficiary who, on the date the beneficiary’s qualification is determined, is:(i) a CURRENT BENEFICIARY, or (ii) a FIRST-LINE REMAINDERMAN
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First-Line Remainderman
One who would BECOME ELIGIBLE to receive distributions IF the EVENT triggering the TERMINATION of a BENEFICIARY’S INTEREST, or of the TRUST itself, OCCURS ON THE QUALIFICATION DATE
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Beneficiaries - Capacity
Any person, natural or artificial, capable of TAKING and HOLDING title to property can be the beneficiary of a private trust
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Incidental and Indirect Beneficiaries
Trust must operate DIRECTLY to the BENEFIT of the person to be a beneficiary
∴ not everyone who benefits from the trust is a beneficiary (e.g.: attorney designated by trust instrument ≠ beneficiary)
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Notice to and Acceptance by Beneficiary
Notice to beneficiary NOT essential to validity of trust
Acceptance by beneficiary is REQUIRED; can take place AFTER valid trust created
Acceptance may be EXPRESS or IMPLIED, and is generally PRESUMED
(Lack of notice may indicate no trust intended)
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Disclaimer by Beneficiary
Beneficiary MAY DISCLAIM an interest by FILING a WRITTEN INSTRUMENT with the trustee (or, trust created by will involved, w/ the probate ct.)
Valid disclaimer made ➝ trust read as though disclaimant was deceased as of the relevant date
No one can be compelled to accept interest in a trust against her will
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Disclaimer by Beneficiary - Timing
Require disclaimer to be made WITHIN 9 MONTHS of interest’s CREATION (also relevant period for federal gift tax purposes)
Beneficiary under 21? Time limit does not apply
Disclaimer timely made if WITHIN 9 MONTHS AFTER beneficiary attains age 21
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Disclaimer by Beneficiary - Where to File
Beneficiary may disclaim (i) an interest by filing with the TRUSTEE or, (ii) if a trust created by a [will] is involved, with the PROBATE COURT
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Disclaimer by Beneficiary - Estoppel
Beneficiary may be estopped from making a disclaimer IF she has EXERCISED any dominion or control over the interest, or ACCEPTED any benefits under the trust
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Disclaimer by Beneficiary - Disclaimant’s Creditors
Disclaimer relates back to the DATE OF THE TRANSFER for ALL purposes
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Beneficiaries - Anti-Lapse Statutes
Most states ➝ only applies to wills; come into play ONLY if will beneficiary within certain degree of relationship PREDECEASES the testator
UPC ➝ applies to FUTURE INTERESTS created in trusts - even to future interests EXPRESSLY made contingent on SURVIVAL - UNLESS the trust makes an ALTERNATE gift in case of a beneficiary’s nonsurvivial
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Beneficiaries - Effect of Divorce
Final decree of divorce or annulment REVOKES ALL beneficial gifts and fiduciary appointments IN FAVOR of a former spouse
UPC ➝ extended “Divorce Revokes” Rule to ALL revocable dispositions, including revocable trusts and designation of a former spouse as AGENT under a DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY
Governing instrument read AS IF former spouse (and his relatives) DECEASED
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Definiteness of Beneficiaries Under Private Trust
Must have DEFINITE beneficiaries in order to have a PRIVATE trust
NOT required for CHARITABLE trusts
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