Wills and Estates Flashcards
Intestacy Distribution Scheme (6 levels)
(1) SS
(2) Descendants of decedent
(3) Parents of decedent and parent’s descendants (decedent’s siblings and nieces/nephews)
(4) Grandparents
(5) Descendants of grandparents (decedent’s aunts/uncles and cousins)
(6) Escheat
Surviving Spouse’s intestate share? (4) scenarios; Exceptions?
If SS and D’s descendants: SS 1/2 net estate
— EXCEPTION: if SS is a subsequent spouse and D has living descendants that are not descendant of S: SS - 1/4 FMV RE (minus liens and encumbrances) and 1/2 net personal
If SS and 1 or both of D’s parents survive, but no descendants of D survive: SS 3/4 net estate, parents 1/4 (or 1/8 each)
If SS, no living parents of D, and D has no living descendants: SS entire estate
EXCEPTION to SS share: if SS is living in adultery at time of decedent’s death OR willful desertion or abandonment without just cause and continues until death of deserted spouse —> SS is barred from taking
D’s descendants’ intestate share?
The portion of the estate that does not pass to SS - or the entire state, if no SS - passes to the D’s children and descendants of deceased children per capita with representation
How to determine per capita with representation
- Divided equally/per capita at the 1st generation with living takers; living takers take their share
- 1 share for each at deceased level/familial line –> issue split evenly/take by representation
D’s Parents/parent’s descendants (D’s siblings/neices/nephews) intestate share? (4 scenarios) (Exception*)
(1) SS and P(s), but no descendants of D —> SS 3/4, P’s 1/4 (1/8 each)
(2) No SS, no descendants of D, no P’s descendants (no siblings/neices/nephews), BUT D’s P’s survive —> P’s: entire estate, or split if both
(3) No SS, no descendants of D, BUT P’s and P’s descendants —> P’s & D’s siblings: entire estate, share equally, & if sibling predeceases D (P of N/N): N/N takes with representation
- — HOWEVER: when surviving siblings or their issue (N/N) exist, each living P gets minimum 1/4 share
(4) No SS, no descendants of D, no P’s, no siblings, BUT N/N & their descendants —> entire, take equally if same degree of kinship, otherwise by representation
D’s grandparents’ intestate share?
If no SS, no descendants of D, no P’s, and no descendants of P, BUT GP’s survive D —> entire estate, shared equally
D’s grandparents’ descendants’ (D’s aunts/uncles/cousins) intestate share? Special rule?
If no SS, no descendants of D, no P’s, no descendants of P’s, no GPs, BUT descendants of GP’s —> entire estate passes to:
- D’s surviving aunts and uncles (siblings of D’s P’s)
- surviving issue of D’s aunts and uncles (D’s cousins)
- per stirpes quirk: estate divided into ask many shares as there are aunts/uncles who survive D or who leave issue who survive D
Nonprobate property
Property that passes pursuant to the terms of the instrument to the transferee identified in the instrument without passing through probate
Pass on death of D by way OTHER THAN will or intestacy; such as:
- by K (life insurance and retirement plan)
- by right of survivorship (joint tenancy/TBE)
- by inter vivos trust
Property may pass through intestacy when… (5)
IN intestacy statutes apply to distribute estate assets when D:
(1) dies without valid will
(2) has made an invalid will
(3) had made a valid will, but some property is not disposed of under such will
(4) has valid will that specifies intestate statutes should apply; or
(5) leaves pretermitted child who is entitled to take pursuant to intestate statute
“Descendants” - include? does not include?
“Descendants”/”Issue” include D’s lineal heirs (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren); does NOT include collateral heirs (siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.)
Intestacy rules for adopted children? Exceptions?
As to adopted family: C treated same as bio-C —> can inherit from & through adoptive P’s, adoptive P’s can inherit from & through C
As to natural P’s: C & C’s descendants —> no inheritance rights from or through bio P’s and vice versa
— EXCEPTION: C adopted by spouse of bio-P —> no affect on inheritance rights between that bio P; inheritance rights btwn C and other natural P —> severed
—- EXCEPTION: C adopted by family members: related by blood & adopt C –> can can inhere from these other members through EITHER bio-P’s OR adoptive P’s - whichever share is greater
Intestacy rule for posthumous children?
General rule: one cannot claim as an heir of another unless alive at other persons death
— EXCEPTION: posthumous children: a C in gestation at D’s death inherits as in born in D’s lifetime
Intestacy rules for non marital children?
MOTHER: in all cases, a non marital C is deemed C of mother (so that C & his descendants inherit from and through mom and vice versa)
FATHER: non marital C has no inheritance rights from father UNLESS paternity is established (if established, C and C’s descendants have full inheritance rights from & through father & vice versa)
- – In IN, paternity may be established either:
(1) F marries M & acknowledges C as his own
(2) F signs paternity affidavit
(3) For C 20y/o or over —> paternity is established by a cause of action filed during F’s lifetime
(4) For C less than 20y/o —> paternity is established by a cause of action filed during F’s lifetime OR w/in 5 months after F’s death
(5) For posthumous C —> paternity is established by a cause of action filed within 11 months after F’s death
Intestacy rule for half-bloods?
Half-bloods inherit the same/equally as whole bloods
Intestacy rule for step-children/foster children?
No inheritance rights
Waiver of Intestate estate share?
D’s spouse or other heir may waive her share in Ds estate by signed K/agrmt/waiver
If K made b4 marriage: the promise to marry is sufficient consideration
If K made post-nuptial: valid only if executed after full disclosure of circumstances & supported by fair consideration