Williamson Folding And Design Flashcards
Anfinsen experiment
What did this prove
Why don’t all refolding?
Bovine ribonuclease A
Denaturant and reductant
Removal saw refolding
Some can’t because of pro peptides etc.
Assistance chaperones- PDI, PPI (proline isomerisation)
Folding vs aggregation
Inclusion body formation
Eqm between folded and unfolded
Unfolded protein response with hydrophobic patches
Ab initio prediction
Why is it tricky
The ‘protein folding problem’
Can we predict from sequence what it is going to do
Bioinformatics- Chou Fasman
Force fields for protein non covalent interactions too crude
Solution to thread sequences through known structures e.g. Phyre
Thermodynamics of protein folding
G = H - TS
Enthalpy- making bonds is exothermic, large negative when folding
Entropy- will be less positive as the protein folds
For folding to be favourable, G needs to be negative to be spontaneous
How many bonds broken to unfold?
About 1-5 bonds broken
This increases the positive entropy
Decreases the negative of the enthalpy
Means that delta G is less negative
3 main entropic contributions
Conformational entropy (-) Hydrophobic interactions (+, stop water ordering) Disulphide bonds (+ stop disorder)
1 main enthalpic contributions
Electrostatic interactions (large -)
Folding/ unfolding curves
Mid point of 4.5M urea
Transverse urea gradient electrophoresis
Unfolded state gives less migration during native page
Can also be done with CD, fluorescence, NMR shift change
Conformational stability from denaturation curves
Keq is calculated for each point in the TS (U/F)
This then means that G can be calculated for each point
G = -RTln Keq
G is then plotted against denaturation
The Y intercept gives Gh2o which is the protein stability
Levinthals paradox
Do proteins go through all conformations to reach lowest energy?
Only backbone, only phi and psi
2 conformations, only a and b in ramachandran
10^45 conformations
Would take 10^25 years for a protein to fold
The universe is 1.4 x10^10 yrs old
Folding energy landscape
Experiments observed in distinct and different intermediates
Unfolded protein
Falls into molten globules as energy decreases
Multiple different intermediate pathways
Eventually reaches either a folded or unfolded low energy state
Methods for studying proteins folding
Native page, sedimentation, size exclusion chromatography
Secondary by Far CD and D2O exchange
Tertiary by Fl, CD (near), NMR, ANS (dye to hydrophobic patch) and reverse phase HPLC
Name the 5 protein theories
Anfinsen spontaneous refolding Hydrophobic collapse- promote water disorder, entropic Framework model Nucleation growth Jigsaw model
Hydrophobic collapse
The protein folds to hide its hydrophobic patches
Decreases the order of water around hydrophobic regions
Makes this entropic ally favourable
Would make the reaction more spontaneous
Framework model
Secondary structures form independently
Then dock together
Anfinsen spontaneous folding
Protein spontaneous
Eqm between folded and unfolded states
Jigsaw model
Same puzzle can be formed from different starting pieces
So a number of different structures could form first
Nucleation growth
Something initially folds
Rest of folding happens around the nucleation
Bit like crystal folding
Trapping intermediates by disulphide bonds
BPTI has 3 S-S bonds
Can encourage folding by adding GSSG
Add iodoacetic acid at different points
This will iodoacetylate the free Cys residues
As time goes on, should be less iodoacetylation
Can analyse samples by ion exchange chromatography
Mass spec sequencing to see what order they fold in?
BPTI folding pathway
Which pathways does this support?
The peaks in absorbance of ion chromatography indicate the bonds forming
BPTI showed multiple folding pathways
14-38 bonds needs to be broken
Turned into 5-14 or 5-38 before -> 5-55
The 14-38 is then reformed last
Rate limiting step by isomerisation of bonds by PDI
Support for jigsaw?
Protein folding by mutagenesis studies
E.g. Mutate residue in helix to see if in transition state
Measure free energy change
If not folding in TS, then no difference apart from final energy higher
If is in the TS, then both TS and end G will be higher
Calculated by change in TS/change in NS
If 1, then is in TS
Study of CI2 protein inhibitor by energy analysis
Which model does this support?
Showed folding directly from denatured state
Secondary and tertiary formed at same time
All elements partially formed at TS
Folding of CI2 in terms of energy diagram
Shown with A16, L49 and I57 in CI2 come together during folding
At the TS the entropic penalty rises fast than the enthalpic benefit
Means that at TS, G gets more positive
Nucleation condensation model
What does CI2 give a model for?
Weak local nucleus stabilised by a critical number of long range interactions
Large extended nucleus
Consolidation of the extended nucleus and structure occurs at the same time
CI2 a model for a FOLDON
D2O exchange to show protein folding
Saturated with d2O at ph 6, all D Folding by diluting in water Increase to pH 10 - this speeds exchange Only unfolded regions exchange Returned to pH 6 to continue folding HSQC spectra tuned for N, H Less H folded quicker, %H plotted for each SS element
Native state HX
Protein gradually denatured
At time points, proteins removed from denaturation and D exchange measured
Shows unfolding in stages
Each event is 2-state and cooperative
Series of smaller unfolding give a large unfolding
Each is a foldon
HX instead measured by mass spec
What is the advantage of this?
Protein Deuteration ph6
Left to fold for different time amounts
Then ph10 pulse
Unfolded will exchange
Gives QUENCHING ADVANTAGE pH 2.5 at 0 degrees
This can’t be done with NMR as a folded state is needed
Peptide digestion and ESI MS
H:D ration per peptide. Which parts of Seq folded first