WILLIAM WORDSWORTH: Tintern Abbey Flashcards
perspective on the Abbey is elevated, distant and detatched
repetition of time connectives= excruciating when away from nature elongates
‘waters rolling from their mountain springs with..,’
enjambment = effortless, interdependence contrast to the caesura in the opening
‘wild secluded scene impress’
sibilance = secrecy / isolation
‘wild’ untouched undomesticated where we thrive
compound words- neat and concise, clarity and structure nature brings
‘unripe fruits…one green hue…lose themselves’
importance of time, if humans don’t naturally develop into full potential ‘ripe’ = become ‘one green hue’ lose individualism
‘lonely rooms’
transferred epithet people are lonely not rooms
‘But oft’
syntax ‘but’ = harsh realities of industrialisation however leads slowly to ‘tranquil restoration’ = creates suspense makes resolution more powerful
‘Of kindness and of love’
manipulates syntax, ends sentence = what reader will remember
‘burthen of the mystery’
nature allows escape from chaotic world, offers releasing of weight
- archaic = before industrialism
‘lead us on’
- change in pronouns from ‘I’ to ‘us’ collective, harmonious like nature
‘we are laid asleep in body, and become a living soul’
transcends reality, physical body is irrelevant only soul matters
‘deep power of joy’
‘if this be but a vain belief…how oft-‘
change in tone confident language now doubtful = LIMINALITY
caesura confident language now choppy and hesitant
‘when like a roe I bounded over the mountains…and the lonely streams’
intertexual allusion - indirect quoatation from Old Testament song of solomon 2:9 man searches for and runs from a lover
Wordsworht uses this shows longing for nature and escapist attitude towards it
‘elevated thoughts’
internal becomes external
of eye and ear both what they half create’
physical body is not enough, emotions and intellect enhance our perception
‘nurse’ ‘guide’ ‘guardian’
lexical field of protection
‘thou my dearest Friend’
shifts tone from monologue to conversation
‘and this green pastoral landscape’
concludes with a deeply satisfying resolution that sums up poem