William James Flashcards
who is he
-philospher+psychologist who cliamed religous experience occur in diff religions+ have similar features
-ppl who have + try to have religous experinces
-they r intense + immersive experinces
-“defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words” its ineffable
James’ four criteria which characterise all mystical religious experiences:
- Ineffable – the experience is beyond language and cannot be put into words to accurately described.
- Noetic – some sort of knowledge or insight is gained
- Transient – the experience is temporary
- Passive – the experience happens to a person; the person doesn’t make the experience happen.
James’ pluralist argument for religious experience
-experinces r coming from a higher spirtual reality
-they r the core of religion, teachings + practices were ‘2nd hand’ religion
-pluralist=view all religions r true
W. Stace
developed this argument much more explicitly, claiming that the universality of certain features of religious experiences is good evidence that they are real.
Paul Knitter
-pluralist who makes similar argument about RE
-points to a metaphor=each religion is a well, if u go to bottom (via ME) u get down to underground water that u then realise is source all other wells (other religions)
Alternative explanation
- cross cultural similarity of features of RE could have naturalistic expl
-it could be all human brains hallucinate similary bc they evolved similarly
-could be RE serve a universal psychological/sociological function
-we can explain cross cultural similarities of RE w/out needing the unnecessary expl of higher spirtual reality
James’ pragmatism argument, including conversion experiences
-he wasnt satsifed w attempt to dismiss RE as hallucinations
-RE have positive+profound lifechanging effects-which we can observe
-the validity of experince depends upon effects on life
-pragmatist= philosophical view on epistemology which states that if something is good for us or works, then that is evidence of its truth.
-eg alcholic who have RE n gives up drinking
James on conversion experiences
-they r a strong eg of james point about life changing impact of RE
-he viewed CE as transformation from an unhappy divided/imperfect self w guilty conscience to more unified happy state
Counter to James’ pragmatism argument
-he may be right about most hallucinations but they can be lifechanging
-if hallucination happens to fit w certain beliefs person might br life changing even tho not real
-aethist hallucinates wont chnage their life but if religious does then it might