Gifts causa mortis
Totten trusts
Gifts causa mortis
A gift made in contemplation of imminent death
Property that can be the subject of a gift causa mortis:
personal property only; no gifts of real property.
Gift Causa Mortis: Donor must make a delivery of the property to donee. Delivery can be one of three forms:
symbolic, or
constructive delivery.
Constructive delivery CL View:
what is given to the donee is a key, that unlocks a box or room, in which is located the corpus, which is too big or bulky for a manual delivery. The key can be literal, or
figurative, such as a treasure map that would lead
one to the buried treasure. Thus, the heart to a
common law constructive delivery is the opening
of access to a room wherein is the corpus, that is
too big, or bulky, or otherwise unavailable.
Constructive delivery Modern View
A constructive delivery will be found whenever the donor has done everything possible to effectuate a delivery, and
there is no issue of fraud and mistake.
If donor survives the peril….
the gift is revoked by operation of law.