Will Contracts, Powers of Attorney, and Powers of Appointment Flashcards
What are will contracts?
- Contracts to make a will
- Contracts not to revoke a will
- Contracts to die intestate
How do you prove the existence of a will contract?
Establish that:
- The will states the material provisions of the contract
- The terms are contained in another signed writing OR
- Express reference is made in the will to the contract and extrinsic evidence proves the terms.
When will a will contract be enforceable?
Only when in writing and signed by the party sought to be charged.
What is a joint will?
A will signed by two or more persons that is intended to serve as the will of each.
What is a reciprocal will?
Wills with identical or reciprocal provisions.
Does the mutual execution of a joint or mutual will create a will contract?
No, at least not one to not revoke the will.
What happens if a party to a joint or mutual will with a contract not to revoke tries to do shady shit?
Maybe a constructive trust.
What is a power of attorney?
An authorization to act on someone’s behalf in a legal or business matter.
What types of power of attorney exist in Pennsylvania?
- General: can handle all affairs during a period of time when the principal is unable to do so. Very broad powers, and extra powers can be granted.
- Special: limits the powers to a specific function and duration.
- Advance health care directives
- Durable power of attorney for health care decisions
- Living wills
What’s a durable power of attorney for health care decisions?
A type of power of attorney that appoints an agent to make health care decisions on behalf of the principal if she becomes unconscious, mentally incompetent, or otherwise unable to make decisions.
What is a living will?
A power of attorney document that dictates the health care that an individual wants in the event that the individual is unable to make those wants known.
When does a living will become effective?
When the patient is incompetent and has an end-state medical condition or is permanently unconscious.
When will an advance health care directive be valid?
Only if
- it’s for an adult of sound mind
- it’s in writing,
- it’s signed and dated by the principal or by one on behalf of the principal at the principal’s specific direction, AND EITHER
- witnessed by at least two individuals OR
- notarized.
When may an advance health care directive be revoked?
For the durable power of attorney for health care decisions, only if
- the principal is of sound mind and does so
- by a signed writing OR by personally informing the attending physician, health care provider, or health care agent that the health care power of attorney is revoked.
For a living will, at any time and in any manner by the principal regardless of the principals mental or physical condition. Effective upon communication to the attending physican or other health care provider by the principal or a witness to the revocation.
Who is the individual’s health care representative if they do not explicitly name one?
Determined in this order:
- spouse
- adult child
- parent
- adult sibling
- adult grandchild
- close friend
Cannot be an individual’s health care provider or an employee of the provider, UNLESS they are a spouse or close relative.
When does a health care power of appointment agent have authority?
It’s durable, so whenever, including when the person is incompetent.
What authority does the agent have?
Must make a health care decision in accord with the principal’s instructions or other known wishes, which can be as broad as the principal instructs.
If these instructions do not exist, then the agent must make the decisions in accordance with the agent’s determination of the principal’s best interests.
Can an agent withhold nutrition and hydration?
Only if
- the patient specifically states as much in writing,
- the patient clearly expressed such wishes, OR
- it is clear from the patient’s preferences and values that they would not want the artificial nutrition and hydration.
What fiduciary duties must the agent follow?
- Exercise the powers for the benefit of the principal.
- Separate the assets of the principal from the agent.
- Exercise reasonable care.
- Account for all transactions made on behalf of the principal.
When can an agent be held liable?
Only for intentional misconduct.
How can powers of attorney be revoked?
At any time by the principal, regardless of their physical or mental condition.
Unless stated otherwise by the living will, it is valid until revoked by the principal, notwithstanding the lapse of time since its execution.
What is the power of appointment?
Ability of a donee to choose how to distribute the donor’s property.
- General: Donee can exercise the power in favor of anybody he chooses, including himself.
- Special: Donor restricts the class of potential transferees. This can be exclusive (choose from a class of people) or non-exclusive (exercise the power in favor of the entire class).