Wilhelm King Of Prussia Ans German Kaiser Flashcards
Colorful terms
5 zone based heart rate interval training focusing on strength and cardio ; basic membership allows 4 classes a month for $59
Orange theory
Colorful terms
Scott langs nemesis in ant man who also has a shrinking suit
Yellow jacket
Colorful terms
Kids show originally hosted by Steve until he was replaced by Donovan in 02
Blues clues
Colorful terms
Derived from a reference by the Roman poet Horace in his ours poetica this form or technique of language which should have a nature flow of speech or grammar yet is so excessively dramatic or ornate that it draws attention to itself
Purple prose
Colorful terms
Probably the most Valuable non promotional magic thr gathering card; adds 3 manna of any single color of your choice to your manna pool
Black lotus
Colorful terms
Series of films starring inspector Jacque clue so
Pink panther
Nat geo magazine is highly recognizable since its border is this color
This university is known for having the first American school of public health
Johns Hopkins
Ana mon tez senior analyst and top Cuban analyst at defense intelligence agency was arrested and sentenced to 25 years for this crime
SWOT analysis in business
In this popular cartoon this team boasts off at the speed of light ; surrender now or prepare to fight meowth that’s right
Team rocket
This treaty was signed between the lords states general of the United Netherlands Spanish crown marking formal recognition of the dutch republic and formed part of the piece of west fail yuh on January 30 1648 and ending thr 30 and 80 years war
Peace of Munster
Unclear if Herman grandpa Eddie Lilly and Marilyn were present
This xountey absolutely crushed it in the Winter Olympics having won the most medals here in 18 and tying for the most gold medals
Pee yong Chang
Cross a European raspberry European blackberry American do berry and a loganberry to get this
According to baseball writer and historian Christina karl who coined the phrase players like Adam dunn and Joey gallo would be masters of these 3 true outcomes of baseball becoming a flashpoint and resulting in thr game becoming boring
In august 19 Iceland unveiled a plaque to commemorate ack juh cool also affectionately known as OK , reading a letter to the future OK is the first Icelandic this to lose its status as this and in the next 200 years all of our this are expected to follow the same path ; the monument is to acknowledge we know what happened and what needs to be done
415 parts per million CO 2
If you and your boo take a ride on a tandem bike how many wheels
Shakespeare’s characters
Both of thr names of these 2 lovers in a Shakespeare play come from Latin words for blessed
Beatrice and benedick
From much ado about nothing
This alternative band has won 2 Grammys sold millions of records and had 2 songs from tiny tunes adventures made into music videos and the theme song to Malcom in the middle
They might be giants
You’re not the boss of me now
Some Nominees; what was the actual best picture winner this year?
Barry linden
Dog day afternoon
One flew over the cuckoos nest
Won big 5
Release year 75
AA 76
Some Nominees; what was the actual best picture winner this year?
Apollo 13
Sense and sensibility
Release year 95
AA 96
Some Nominees; what was the actual best picture winner this year?
Dead poets society
Born of the 4th of July
Field of dreams
Driving miss daisy
Release year 89
AA 90
Some Nominees; what was the actual best picture winner this year?
Broke back mountain
Release year 05
AA 06
Some Nominees; what was the actual best picture winner this year?
The Godfather
Release year 72
AA 73
Some Nominees; what was the actual best picture winner this year?
Mr smith goes to Washington.
The wizard of oz
Of mice and men
Gone with the wind
Release year 39
AA 40
Big movie year
Some Nominees; what was the actual best picture winner this year?
Manchester by sea
Not la la land
Release year 16
AA 17
Some Nominees; what was the actual best picture winner this year?
Life of pi
Silver linings playbook
Django unchained
Release year 12
AA 13
Some Nominees; what was the actual best picture winner this year?
Quiz show
Pulp fiction
Shawshank redemption
Forest gump
Some Nominees; what was the actual best picture winner this year?
Taxi driver
All the presidents men
This amendment briefly brought in thr period of prohibition and this amendment fittingly repealed
18 started
21 ended
This country has the most natural lakes
Accounts for over half of the natural lakes on the planet
This. Notorious dictator made have had a softer side as he was an avid lover of the opera ; according to his official biography he wrote 6 all of which are better than any in the history of music
Kim jong ill