wildlife (mammals II) Flashcards
- number of species
- population
- lifestyle
- 7 species
- 1 in Uk - European
- critically endangered
- nocturnal + solitary
[Erinaceus europaeus]
hedgehog habitat
- hedge rows
- adapted to more urban»_space; interconnect gardens (hedgehog highway project)
hedgehog diet
- any intolerances?
- insectivores (slugs + snails) x high disease burden - catapillars, bettles, worms, small frogs, birds eggs, carrion - dog + cat food >> avoid high salt ( x meat in gravy) - lactose intolerant
hedgehog diseases
! lungworm - slugs + snails are intermediate host
! ringworm - ZOONOTIC [dermatophyte infection] - spine + hair loss
» flare up in stress of captivity (^ cortisol) / other disease
hedgehog anatomy
- weight
- length
- stance
- fur
males > females ( up to 1.5kg, av 0.8-1.2kg)
15-30cm long
small tail 1cm
- plantigrade stance
» 5 pads + claws on each foot
> front feet: trap prey
- head + ventral chest + belly covered in dense fur > longer skirt region @ spine border
how do hedgehogs curl into a ball?
Panniculus carnosus muscle (covers most of dorsal surface)
large circular orbicularis muscle (acts like purse string near skirt region)
hedgehog spines
- what
- how many
- where
- modified hair (keratin) + hollow
- 5,000
- densely cover back + sides
{face, chest, belly, throat + legs covered in course grey brown fur instead}
hedgehog teeth
- similar to rodents?
- how many sets
- roots + growth
- dental formula
- special?
- no
- deciduous + permenent teeth
- closed roots > don’t grow throughout life
- most medial incisors developed for puncturing eggs
- gap between upper medial inscisors for lower medial incisors to fit between
- other incisors are smaller (like rodents)
hedgehog repro:
- when is mating
- gestation length
- how many young
- April - may (males emerge from hibernation 3-4weeks before females»_space; ^ home range)
- 35days
- 4-6young - can have 2 litters a year ( if good climate)
! born late in summer may eat too many slugs ect. (desperate to get bigger)»_space; high parastite “autumn juvenilles”
- how are they born
- birth weight
- altricial
- born head/ tail 1st
> encased in amnion - spines buried under pocket of oedematous (fluid-filled) tissue»_space; drains after birth *protects birth canal - 15-20g
- pink + hairless
- eyes closed
hoglet spine development
small pimples in skin (spines below) 1st generation: white - 2hrs after birth - fully exposed 12-24hrs after 2nd ": brown 3-4days - erupt between white spines - match length at 14days - cover white spines at 20days
> > spines grow in 2 distinct tracts with dorsal midline partition
when can hogelts
- curl into a ball
- eyes open
- stay in nest until
- fully independent
@day 10: curl into a ball
@ day 14: eyes open
- stay in nest until 4weeks
- fully independent at 8weeks
hedgehog hibernation
- when
- triggers
- wake?
- stores
- nov - mid march (mild winter = not hibernate)
» temp, light levels, food available - 3-4nests per hibernation cycle > don’t rely on brown fat (dormice do)
» find food, water
during hedgehog hibernation
core body temp drops to 4oC heart slows to 4bpm may not take breath until 1hr - survival weight 450g >> rehab @ 600g
when were grey squirrels introduced to uk