Wildland Incidents Flashcards
The point of origin of the fire. This area burns at an intensity that is less than the rest of the fire and has a slower rate of spread
Narrow strips of fire extending out word from the main fire
The area of the fire where the burning is fastest and hottest
Spot support areas along the fire perimeter that burn more vigorously than the surrounding area
Hot spots
Fires that ignite outside the main fire perimeter; Usually started by hot embers blown from the main fire
Spot fires
The area burned as defined inside the fire perimeter
The area unburned outside the fire perimeter
An area within the burn or fire parameter that has not been burned
An area of unburned fuel located between two fingers or between the fire perimeter and a finger
The ignition of a number of fires with in an area simultaneously or in quick succession
Area ignition
A sudden increase in fire intensity or rate of spread that precludes direct control or upsets existing control measures
Blow up
The number expressed in an arithmetic scale that is determined from the fuel moisture content, windspeed, and other selected factors affecting burning rates.
Burn index
The ignition of unburned fuels within the fire line or perimeter as part of the direct for parallel method of fire control
Burning out
The intentional setting of fire to fuels inside the control line to slow, knockdown, or contain a rapidly spreading fire.
This is a method of controlling a partly dead fire by carefully inspecting and feeling with their hands while building a fire line around and digging out every live spot
Cold trailing
This is a fire that advances from top to top of trees or shrubs and is independent of the surface fire
Crown fire
Suppression efforts on the fires edge or immediately adjacent to the fire perimeter
Direct attack
A fire control management system that integrates the effects of selected fire danger factors into one or more qualitative or numerical indicators of the current level of fire protection needed
Fire danger rating
A spinning, moving column of ascending there, which arises from a vortex and may carry a loft smoke, debris, and flames ranging in size and intensity from 1 foot in diameter to a small tornado
Fire whirl
This is a dry wind with strong downward components that moves from a high-pressure area to a low pressure area
The checking of the spread of fire at points of more rapid spread or special threat areas with emphasis on first priorities, usually in the initial steps of the immediate control.
Hot spotting
This is the construction of a line in the”Green” or unburned fuel at a considerable distance from the fire line that can be used for different operations
Indirect attack
Initiate an anger point near the point of origin to attack two sides of the fire to cut off the head.
Pincer attack
And unfinished preliminary control line established or constructed as an emergency measure to check the spread of fire
Scratch line
The number related to the relative rate of the forward movement of service fires
Spread index
________ is the main fuel consumed any wildland fire
The weight of live fuel is expressed in ________
Tons per acre
A ________ is the debris such as leaves, small twigs, branches, and needles that fall onto the ground creating a Duff or dry decomposing material
Ground of fuel
________ is the live vegetation that grows close to the ground such as grass brush small trees and field crops
Surface fuel
________ is the vegetation and debris above the ground fuels
Crown fuel
The ________ of fuel determines how intense is the fire will burn
The ________ of fuels affect the spread of wildland fires
In an area of low pressure, the airflow is ________ , whereas high pressure systems create an air flow in a ________ Direction
Counterclockwise, clockwise
Mountains act like chimneys by channeling air ________
When the relative humidity falls to ________ conditions are favorable for burning
When the relative humidity drops below ________ fire danger becomes critical
A good rule of thumb is that for every 20° F increase in temperature, relative humidity drop by ________
________ dictates whether or not a piece of material is ready to burn
Fuel moisture
________ are frequently put to use for structural protection in isolated areas where homes and buildings are spread far apart
Defensive strategies
________ are used when firefighters have an opportunity to attack the fire in such a way as to cause it to stop spreading or go out completely.
Offense of strategies
Any treatment of burning fuel that is applied by firefighters
Direct attack
The ________ attack involves two or more units of anyone type working in line, one in front of the other, to accomplish a specific fire suppression job
The ________ is a direct attack with multiple anchor points, which allows for multiple points of attack
Envelopment method
L- Look-outs
C- Communications
E- Escape Routes
S- Safety Zones