Wikiquiz 1 Flashcards
Which titular objectof the first Harry Potter novel was originally found in Vault 713 at Gringott’s Bank?
The Philosopher’s Stone
What is thename beginning with Bof the soft, flat-crowned hat made of wool or felt which has been worn by figures such as Bernard Montgomery and Frank Spencer but most popularly by the French?
Which London thoroughfare, part of the A4, runs from Hyde Park Corner east to its namesake Circus with its famous neon advertising hoardings?
The first was open from 1923 to 2000 and the second has been open since 2007.What London football venueis this?
What name is given tothe regular shedding of blood and mucosal tissuefrom the wall of the uterus through the vagina?
Menstruation or period
“Probably the worst scholar Eton ever sent us -a buffoon and idler.” This quote from Oswyn Murray, an ancient history don at Balliol College, Oxford, is aboutwhich current MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip? As in life, a forename alone is not acceptable.
Boris Johnson
Monty Norman was unfairly deprived of credit for composing the iconic theme towhich British film series, with many people believing that John Barry (who merely arranged it for the first film in the franchise) was its composer?
James Bond
Which American(1835-1910) wrote the novelsThe Prince and the Pauper, A Connecticut Yankee at the Court of King ArthurandPudd’n’head Wilsonamong other better known works?
Mark Twain
Prince Harry, Harry Styles and Danny Cipriani were all past romantic partners ofwhich TV presenter and celebritywho died aged just 40 in February 2020?
Caroline Flack
The regional park the Phlegraean Fields, known for numerous craters and other volcanic landforms, is located just west ofwhich Italian city, the capital of the Campania region?
Naples or Napoli
Twinkle Twinkle Little StarandBaa Baa Black Sheepshare a tune.What perhaps even more famous song, taught to most young children, also shares that tune?
Alphabet song
Tupac Amaru, who led a remnant group of survivors from Vilcabamba from 1571, was the last indigenous leader ofwhich group of people, conquered by the Spanish?
Both involving Adolf Anderssen, the Evergreen and the Immortal Games are separate and celebrated 19th century contests inwhat board game and mind sport?
What word with various scientific meanings is given tothe solid central part of a comet, also nicknamed “the dirty snowball”?
The Embassy Club in Manchester was owned bywhich Mancunian comedianwhose racial “humour” meant he thankfully rarely featured on British television in the years leading up to his death in 2007?
Bernard Manning
Father of microbiology Antoine van Leeuvenhoek was the executor of the will ofwhich Dutch painterwhose works includeThe MilkmaidandView of Delft?
(Johannes) Hans Vermeer
The icons for LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook on a standard Apple iPhone all consist ofwhich two colours?
Blue and white
Which is theonly chemical elementwhose English name begins with V?
The Afrobeat pioneer Fela Kuti hadwhich nationality?
Gitega replacedwhich cityon the list of African capital cities in 2019?
Formed after the Montreal Expos moved south of the border in 2004,which baseball franchisewon its first World Series in 2019 with a 4-3 win over Houston Astros? Franchise name needed but city is not.
(Washington) Nationals
In English lawwhich tortinvolves the making of a false statement about another, and can be in writing (libel) or spoken (slander)? A namesake 2013 statute reformed some aspects of English law in this area.
Which pasta shapehas a name meaning “thin string” or “twine” in Italian?
What wasthe original middle nameof John Lennon and is the middle name of Gary Lineker?