Wide Sargasso Sea Part 3 Flashcards
Where is Daniels house and what was framed text
Sea level vengeance is mine
What did Cosway give to those he sent away
But and land for wicked pride
16 years ago buy shoes whatsyoyrname
What did Cosway call Daniel
Sly boots one drop of blood I’ll eat my hat
Hard work, not for woman, demons incarnate
Hate me?
Distraught never been more calm
White dress he liked
Slipped untidily off of one shoulder left wrist with right hand
Do you believe in God
Mouth turned down in questioning mocking way like Amelie
We are like
Dead moths
Two deaths, Daniel
Real one and one people hear about, Boyd
We should go to sleep
Now you frightened like a negro
This place is my….
Enemy and on your side
Place has nothing to do with either of us….
Loved it bc I had nothing else indifferent like God
5 years alone
Heard river royal palms fallen cut left looked lost
What does Amelie say
I feel sorry for you
Where do the steps go
Glacis to mounting stone
When was mom ashamed
Growing up like white nigger
Black man said to mom
Drink and you will forget
Potion parts
White powder , 6 candles on dressing table, 3 near bed, wine
Dream when poisoned
Buried alive
Meal Amelie brought
Cold chicken, wine, bread, fruit
Poisoned what kind of thought
Dull like child spelling out word
What do you want to do now
Join sister who is dress maker in Demerara then go to Rio
What was baptiste talking about
Morals or extra work
Who did Rochester write to
Mr. Fraser, Josephine or Christophine Dubois