Wicked Witch Lines WOZ (ALL) Flashcards
to memorize lines :)
…and she’s worst than the other one was.
Where’s my sister?
Yonder she lies.
Glinda: There.
Alright, who’s the smart aleck that turned her into a house? Was it you Glinda?
Glinda: Not the house. Under the house
Under the house?
Dorthy: It’s my fault. I’m so sorry. My house dropped on her-
You dropped your house on my sister? How could anyone be so unbelievably clumsy?
Glinda: Look closer.
You recognized her then?
Of course I recognized her. Who else would wear ruby slippers with those socks? The ruby slippers! Little girl, you have done me a service. I shall don the ruby slippers which will make my powers greater than ever!
The west witch turns towards the slippers in time to see them vanish
The ruby slippers! They’re gone! The slippers! What have you done with them?
See for your self. Step forward, Dorthy.
Give them back to me or I’ll-
-It’s too late! There they are and there they’ll stay!
HINT: Give me back those slippers…
Give me back those slippers! I’m the only one who knows how to use them. They’re of no use to you. Give them back to me. Give them back!
… Their magic must be very powerful or she wouldn’t want them so badly.
You stay out of this, Glinda, or I’ll fix you as well!
… Be gone, before someone drops a house on you, too!
Very well. I’ll bide my time and as for you, my fine lady, It’s true I can’t attend to you here and now as I’d like. But after a suitable period of mourning, I will have those slippers and my revenge too!
… So best try to stay out of my way, Just try! I’ll get you eventually my little pretty… and your dog TOO!
(want to play ball?)
You call that long? Why, you’ve only just begun!
TIN MAN: You! You’re the one who put the spell on my ax!
It certainly chopped you down to size, didn’t it! And now you’re helping the little lady along, aren’t you, my fine gentlemen? Well, stay away from her or I’ll stuff a mattress with you, scarecrow! And you Tin man! I’ll turn you into a beehive!
SCARECROW: Oh! Oh! Look out! Oh, I’m on fire! Fire! Help!
Just remember scarecrow, helping that girl reach the Emerald City could be your last burning ambition!
HINT: There is nothing so depressing…
There is nothing so depressing as boundless optimism. Happily it is totally misplaced. Now, shall I squash them out like the infuriating little bugs they are, or shall I be witty and creative? The bug alternative is attractive but messy. So witty and creative wins the day. A-hah! Something with poison in it, I think. With poison in in it, but attractive to the eye — and soothing to smell! Poppies, Poppies, Poppies!
HINT: Lullaby…
This lethal lullaby will put them to sleep forever. And then the Ruby Slippers will be… MINE!!!!
HINT: (I hate her…)
I hate her. I hate her not. I hate her. I hate her not. I hate hate hate hate hate hate her! Now I understand why the Poppies failed me. Fate ordained that Oz himself should deliver the mellifluous little baggage into my territory. But how to bring her here before me? (Clap, Clap) Winkies! Winkies, come forth.
Yoo-hee-hoo! Yo-ho!
Enough! Silence! QUIET!!!!
(Winkies stop singing)
HINT: Why sing?
Why do you always have to sing that loathsome song/dirge
Since you put your foot through our drum, how else can we keep in step?
What does it mean anyway?
You mean… Yoo-hee-hoo! Yo-ho!
Next time I enslave a whole nation, I must check out their intelligence first. (Calls offstage) Niko! Niko! Where is the commander of my Aerobatic Apes?
(Niko enters)
There you are my simian minion. I have an important task for you. My enemies…
Exhausted? What do mean you’re exhausted? Alright, Alright…
There you are, my simian minion. I have an important task for you. My enemies are about to enter the Haunted Forest. I want you to rouse your men and snatch the sickening little girl and her equally nauseating little dog. [Niko speaks] Exhausted? What do you mean you’re exhausted? Alright, Alright. I’ll conjure up a spell to take the fight out of her. Now which of my creepy-crawly creations shall I spend to plague her. The Flibbery-gibbert? No! The Fly-by-Night? No! Aha, I have it. The Jitter bug.Well may you gibber. There is no more infectious bug in my book of spells. Once bitten, they can never stop dancing till they drop. And when they do, you shall be there to scoop up the little brat and the little brute and bring ‘em both to me. No go! Do my bidding!
(Niko exits)
HINT: Fly… dainty feet… repairing…
Fly! Fly! Fly! Soon those darling little red slippers will grace my dainty feet. (pause) I wonder if any of those Winkies do shoe repairing?
HINT: This way my dear. I trust you had a pleseant…
This way my dear. I trust you had a pleasant flight. It’s so kind of you to visit me in my loneliness. (Pause) Gimme the dog.
What are you doing with Toto?
Tonight we feast on deviled dog.
Dorothy: NO!
HINT: It’s alright my dear…
He’ll look even more revolting with an apple in his mouth…
It’s alright my dear. Just my little joke. He’ll look even more revolting with an apple in his mouth. (To Niko) Here, put him in the basket
Where are you taking him? Why can’t he stay with me?
HINT: River
Because the raging, roaring river in some way off. Is he a water breed?
I don’t think so…
HINT: He soon will be…
He soon will be ‘cause that’s where we’re going to drop him if you don’t hand over those slippers!
But the Good Witch of the North told me not to.
HINT: Vert well. Throw the…
Very well. Throw the basket in the deepest point of the river and drown him.
…I don’t want them- just give me back Toto!
That’s a good girl, I knew you’d see reason!
(The witch reaches for the slippers, they spark)
Ohh Ohh!
Run Toto, as far away as you can!
(To Niko) Catch him you fool!
He got away! He got away from you!
HINT: Which is more than…
as long as you’re alive…
Which is more than you’ll ever do! Fool that I am. I should have remembered- those slippers will never come off, as long as you’re alive!
(Witch picks up large hour glass)
HINT: You see this? That’s how much longer you’ve got…
You see this? That’s how much longer you’ve got to be alive! And it isn’t long, my pretty. Just long enough for me to devise an unpleasant but wildly entertaining death for you! Of course, there is on route of escape. It’s a long way down, and the rocks are sharp. So if you decide to go this way, be a darling and leave the ruby slippers on the window sill. It’ll save us from having to take ‘em off your corpse.
How can anyone be so nasty, mean, and cruel?
Lots and lots of practice.
Dorthy: Come back, Auntie Em!
HINT: Mimicking…
Auntie Em- Auntie Em- come back! I’ll give you Auntie Em, my pretty!
HINT: Going so…
Going so soon?
(Four friends run, Winkies surround them)
HINT: Won’t hear it…
We won’t hear of it, will we Winkies?
LION: I think we’ve outstayed our welcome.
HINT: Ring a round a rosies…
🎵Ring around a rosy! A pocket full of spears!🎵 The sands of time have run out for you. The last to go will see the first three before her! And your mangy little mutt too! 🎵Eenie Meenie Minie Mo. Who shall be the first to go? Lion? Girl? Tin Man? No! My broom has chosen… Scarecrow!!🎵
No! No! No! No! No! Help!
HINT: Old flame…
What’s the matter? Don’t you want to be my old flame?
Leave him alone! Can’t you see he’s terrified?
HINT: Miss Mouth…
I’ll get around to you eventually, Miss Mouth. Meanwhile, watch your little friend go up in smoke.
Scarecrow: No, please…
HINT: all burned up…
Too late Scarecrow! You’re all burned up!
Dorthy: No…
I won’t let you!
HINT: Last line…!
Ohhh! You cursed brat! Look what you’ve done! I’m melting! Melting! Oh, what a world! What a world! Who would’ve thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness! Ohhhh-ohhh!