Why is religious practice stronger amongst ethnic minority women Flashcards
Religion is used as a cultural defence of ethnic minority values
Some ethnic minority women use their religion to justify social practices such as arranged marriages. This will make it easier for women to protect the values of their ethnic group as they socialise children into their culture. In this way religion can give women a defence against secularisation.
An increase in veil wearing and a belief in fundamentalism amongst some Muslim women are seen as a response to the secularisation of society.
Muslim women grow up in an increasingly secular society which challenges their moral values and they react against this by showing an increased commitment to their religious beliefs. Eg Muslim women staged public protests when the French government banned headscarves in school and public places.
Religion helps ethnic minority women with their cultural transition into a new country
Religion becomes a solid source of identity, status and community, which they do not get in mainstream society. For example, many older Asian women may feel marginalised in modern day society because they cannot grasp the language and struggle to communicate with people other than their own family and friends.
Therefore, religion provides a focal point for them in mixing with others and adjusting to life in a new country. Moreover, Linda Woodhead says women can gain greater freedom and respect from religion.
Eg she says Muslim women can wear the veil as a symbol of resistance to oppression as it enables them to leave the confines of the home and enter the public world of education or work without losing their culture and religious identity. The veil also empowers Muslim women to participate in society without being seen as sex objects as the veil protects them from the ‘male gaze’.