why has migration become more complex? Flashcards
high concentration of young workers
. main reason for internat mig is economic (wage differentials)
. migrant flows are dom by young males from places liek India and Pakistan
. many work in construction cos of low ed
. only 3.6% work in health and 2.6% in education
high concentration of female migrants
. growth of tertiary ed in OEDC countries (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) inc by 80% in 21st cent
. 2013 = inc in AC -> 52% all mig = women from EDCs
. in EU, Latin Amer, etc women participat in internat mig exceeds men’s
-> opposite for Asia + Africa
. migration dependant on gov of origin and destination on things like independence and status for women
conflicts and persecutions have increased the amount of refugees
. 19.5 mil Syrian refs in 2014 cos crisis in 2000 = 7.6 mil IDP +4.7 mil internat refs
. 2014 = 1.66 mil asylum seekers global
-> Russia, Germany = received lots
. Lebanon = 257.08 refs/1000 inhabitants -> became so overwhelmed that 2015 imposed need for a visa to enter country and those seeking work must be sponsored by a local or Albanese business
. increases
-> effects of conflict
-> political prosecution
-> economic hardship
-> impacts of nat haz
. some trying to get to EU
-> cheaper but more risk going by boat
-> expensive but safer by fake passport + direct flight
development of distinct corridors of bi-lateral flows
. Flows between 2 countries
-> some = big and long standing (Mexico + USA) others not as big but are new (Sudan + South Sudan)
. reasons for strong bi-lat corridors are economic, social + political
-> ease of access + communication between 2 countries
-> cost of spending + remittances
-> employment ops + wage differentials
-> effects of conflict and prosecution
-> policy of migrants and refs
-> former colonial influences E.G language
inter-regional migration
. high skill workers from china, india, Brazil to USA specifically to work in STEM
. from India, Pakistan, Bang to oil producing Gulf states cos high wages, easy return remittances, accomodation and improved transport + communications
inra-regional migration
. 65 mil among ASEAN members
. up mig streams with S America
-> espec to Chili, Uruguay and Paraguay = main pull is wage differentials + labour ops
international migration
. flows from EDC driven by economic activity near urban centres
-> rural to urban migration reinforced + is major element of global migration system
flows in south - south corridors equal to south - north corridors
. S - S = 36% of global migration stock
. S - N = 35% of global migration stock
. untill 2020 there was more mig from less devel S to more devel N
-> 2015 = S - S mig equal to all others, mainly labour migrants + 2/3 of remittances in 2013
. more refs fleeing (Afgan + Pakis = 2.3 mil)
. main reason for S-S flow
-> strict barriers from S-N do redirect
-> lots of fast growing economies in S
-> more aware of ops in S do more communicat + social networks
-> costly to move to more distant N countries
changes in national immigration and emigration policies
. designed to meet social, econom + polit needs for a country
. ACs use point system to staisfy labour shortages
. EDCs encourage emigration cos assist with devel ( remittances + returning with ideas)