Why had international peace collapsed by 1939? (Yr-9) Flashcards
Give four aims of the LoN?
- Disarmament
- International trade.
- The prevention of conflict.
- The prevention of secret treaties/promotion of open diplomacy.
- To improve living and working conditions for inhabitants of member nations.
Which 3 major world powers were not in the LON initially?
USA, USSR, Germany.
How did the LoN deal with Upper Silesia, 1921? Give two points.
Ensured a fair plebiscite and split the area between Germany and Poland as the plebiscite had demanded.
When did Germany join the LoN?
Why did the USA not join the LoN initially? Give two reasons.
Congress voted against the USA joining the Lon in 1919.The Senate rejected the Treaty in March 1920, following the Republican bid for an isolationist US foreign policy.
Why did the USSR not join the LoN initially?
BR and FR did not recognise the Communist government and, indeed were supporting the White army in the Russian Civil War.
Who was involved in the Vilna dispute, 1920?
Poland and Lithuania.
Who was threatening war over the Aaland Islands, 1921?
Finland and Sweden.
Which Italian ambassador was killed on the Greek border in 1923 and how did Mussolini respond?
Tellini. Bombarding and invading the Greek island of Corfu, demanding compensation and an apology.
What did the Japanese Government claim in January 1931 to initiate their invasion of Manchuria?
Claimed that China had sabotaged the Manchurian railway and so Japan invaded and installed a puppet government.
How long did the LoN take to issue their report (the Lytton Commission) on who was to blame for the Manchuria crisis, and why was this?
A full year (September 1932).LoN officials had to sail around the world to assess situation.No instant communication/no reliable air travel.
What was Japan’s response (in February 1933) to the Lytton report?
Announced they would invade more Chinese territory.
On 24th February 1933, what was the vote in the Assembly to approve the Lytton report?
42 to 1.
When did Japan withdraw from the LoN?
27 March 1933.
Give four reasons why Mussolini had designs on Abyssina?
- Revenge for 1896 (Adowa).
- To create export markets and gain raw materials.
- Prestige to distract from the growing economic discontentment.
- To make Italy a convincing European power (BR and FR had many African colonies).
What agreement was signed in early 1935 between Britain, France and Italy, which made Britain and France reluctant to side with Abyssinia?
Stresa Front.
What three sanctions were imposed on Italy during the Abyssinian Crisis?
ban on the sale of arms
ban on loans
ban on the exports of tin, rubber and metals
Which British and French politicians were forced to resign after plans for a backroom deal were leaked to the French press?
Hoare-Laval (hence the Hoare-Laval Pact).
What event in December 1934 was used by Mussolini as an excuse to invade Abyssinia?
The Wal-Wal incident.
When did the Disarmament Conference begin?
February 1932.
By July 1932, what four resolutions had the Disarmement Conference made?
- Stopping the bombing of civilian populations.
- Limiting the size of the artillery a nation could have.
- Limiting the tonnage of tanks a nation could have.
- Prohibiting (banning) chemical warfare.
When did Hitler withdraw Germany from the Disarmament conference?
October 1933.
What agreement in 1935 between the British and French undermined the idea of Disarmament, which limited the German navy to 35% of Britain’s fleet?
The Anglo-German Naval Agreement.
How did Hitler publicise Germany’s rearmament in 1935?
Staged a massive military rally.
How did Hitler greatly increase the size of the German army in 1936, while simultaneously violating one of the military terms of the ToV?
Reintroduced conscription.
When was the Saar Plebiscite held, and by around percentage did it vote to re-join Germany?
1935/around 90%
How did Hitler violate the ToV in March 1936?
Re-militarised the Rhineland.
Why did the manner in which Hitler violated the ToV in March 1936 go unopposed? Give four points.
France had just signed a treaty with the USSR, so Hitler presented the militarisation of the Rhineland as a defensive measure against this move. Many British felt Hitler had a right to had German troops on German soil.Hitler rightly gambled that if Britain did not intervene, then France would not react alone.French politicians were facing an election and didn’t want to be unpopular by calling for war.
What evidence was there that Hitler was not entirely confident his violation of the ToV in March 1936 would succeed?
The Wehrmacht had ordered to pull out at the least sign of French resistance, as despite rearmament they were still in no way ready to fight France (they lacked any air support and necessary modern equipment).
In which country did civil war break out in 1936?
Who supported the Republican side during this civil war?
The USSR/Stalin.
Who did both Hitler and Mussolini support during this civil war in 1936?
General Franco.
What was the name of the anti-communist pact made by Germany and Japan in 1936, later signed by Italy in 1937?
The Anti-Comintern Pact.
How had Mussolini prevented Hitler from achieving Anschluss with Austria in 1934?
Sent Italian troops to the Austrian border.
Give three points for how Hitler tried to pressure the Austrian Chancellor, Schuschnigg, to agree to Anschluss.
There was a strong Nazi party in Austria. Hitler encouraged them to stir up trouble for the Austrian Government, and they staged demonstrations calling for unification with Germany, as well as riots. Hitler then informed the Chancellor Schuschnigg that only Anschluss (political union) would solve these problems. He pressured Schuschnigg to agree.
When Schuschnigg tried to call a plebiscite on Anschluss, how did Hitler respond?
Sent German troops into Austria.
What was the result of the Plebiscite on Anschluss?
99.75% in favour of Anschluss.
What did Hitler gain from Anschluss in terms of military/economic resources?
Alongside the Austrian troops the German army gained, Hitler acquired arms and the rich gold and iron ore deposits in Austria to use in future military campaigns.
In what area of Czechoslovakia did around 3 million Germans live in by 1938?
Why was Czechoslovakia potentially far better able to defend itself from German aggression in 1938 than Austria had been? Give three points.
The Sudetenland fortifications were formidable.The Czech army strong (and its weapons factories impressive, e.g. the Skoda weapons factories).Its international support was, in theory, strong: the USSR would have been willing to support, while Britain and France had promised support.
What four European leaders signed the Munich Agreement?
Mussolini, Hitler, Daladier and Chamberlain.
What other countries helped themselves to Czechoslovakian territory, once the Germans had taken the Sudetenland?
Hungary and Poland.
Where did Hitler invade on 15th March 1939?
The rest of Czechoslovakia.
Give two reactions of the British public to the Munich Agreement.
British people welcomed the agreement.93% of people did not believe it was Hitler’s last territorial demand.
What was the name of the piece of Polish territory Hitler sought in 1939?
The Polish Corridor.
When was the Nazi-Soviet Pact signed?
24th August 1939.
What did Hitler gain from the Nazi-Soviet Pact?
Hitler gained a chance to avoid war on 2 fronts, half of Poland and hopefully would undermine any British/French commitment to fight over Poland.
What did Stalin gain from the Nazi-Soviet Pact?
Stalin gained huge amounts of territory in eastern Europe as a defensive shield for the USSR against Germany.Crucially it also gave him time to build up his army (after the 1937 purges) and avoided having to fight Germany alone and unprepared.
On what date did Hitler invade Poland, which led Britain and France to declare war on Germany the very next day?
1st September 1939.