Why did events in the Gulf matter, 1970-2000? - Iran Flashcards
When was there a revolution in Iran?
Why was there a revolution in Iran?
- Opposition to foreign influence
- Dissatisfaction with the Shah’s modernisation programme
- Resentment at autocratic and repressive government
- The leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini
When did the Shah of Iran leave the country?
January 1979
What state did the Shah leave Iran in in January 1979?
He had upset almost every sector of society and the last year of his rule was one of demonstrations, violent deaths and widespread strikes. The pressures for the Shah to go had been building for over 25 years
What had happened to the Iranian Prime Minister, Mohammed Mussadeq?
The Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mussadeq was popular with the people as he did not want foreign domination
He nationalised Iran’s oil industry, upsetting the British
The Shah, supported by the CIA and MI6 overthrew Mussadeq in 1953
What did the coup against Mohammed Mussadeq result in?
It resulted in the Shah being associated with the British and Americans whose main interest was the safeguarding of oil supplies to the West
The influence of the USA was even more noticeable when the Shah began importing large quantities of American foodstuffs, affecting local farmers
The Shah even attempted to introduce local shopping malls, damaging the interest of the bazaar merchants
When did the Shah introduce the “White Revolution”?
The 1960s
What reforms did the “White Revolution” include that were regarded as inadequate?
- Land reform was supposed to redistribute land among the peasantry but in fact most peasants ended up with holding barely sufficient to support their families
- The programme failed to ensure that villages all had piped water, electricity and roads
- Health reforms increased the number of doctors, nurses and hospital beds but failed to reduce infant mortality rates
- Education reforms failed to impact on the high levels of adult illiteracy
What was happening in the economy by the end of the 1970s?
The distribution of income was becoming more unequal
The rich were living in palaces whilst the poor were condemned to shanty towns without proper roads and other essential facilities
When did the Shah establish a one-party state?
March 1975
What was the party favoured in the one-party state?
The Resurgence Party
How did the Resurgence Party immediately make enemies?
By waging an anti-profiteering campaign in the bazaars, attacking the clerical establishment and introducing a new calendar
What was the secret police called?
When was the secret police established?
What was the secret police’s reputation?
It rooted out opposition to the Shah’s rule, and became known for its brutal tactics, including torture, forced confessions and summary execution
What happened in 1977 in regards to police controls, and why did this happen?
There was some relaxation of police controls, largely due to international criticism of human rights violations
The Red Cross was allowed into prisons and measures to ensure fair trials were introduced
Who was Ayatollah Khomeini?
A political activist
When was Ayatollah Khomeini forced into exile, and why?
In 1964 for undermining the Shah
How did Ayatollah Khomeini undermine the Shah?
He opposed the Shah’s readiness to agree to foreign influences, and the support the Shah had for Israel against the Muslin world
When did Ayatollah Khomeini return to Iran?
After the Shah left the country, on the 1st of February, to be met by crowds of over 3 million
Thousands of civilians celebrated the popular revolution on the streets