Whoso list to hount I knowe where is an hynde Flashcards
Who wrote the poem
Sir Thomas Wyatt
what is the structure of the poem
Petrarchan sonnet
describe a Petrarchan sonnet
8 lines- octet: problem
volta: turning point
6 lines- sestet: solution
The figure who could best be described as being like Caesar within the England of the day was king…?
Henry VIII
How is the deer (hydne) presented in the poem
not encouraging his advances yet the speaker continues to pursue her
What figure of speech is used in both sentences?
‘may I by no means, my wearied mynde’
‘Drawe from the deere’
what does the collar state at the end of the poem and what narrative is it written in?
‘For Caesar’s I am’
First narrative
What is the illustration of the collar
A metaphor for a woman who can speak for herself but another example of male power.
what is the meaning of the collar and its narrative?
The collar indicates ownership so her words are not in fact hers but Caesar’s which is emphasized with disrupted syntax. in which the words ‘I am’ are relegated to a position after Caesars’ so that the most significant feature of the deer is the identity of her owner.
What is the meaning behind who the speaker addresses?
Not only is the speaker male but so are his addressees. His experience is not of her directly but of the activity of hunting her, since this is a collective activity for a group of male participants within which the speaker is one who is ‘farthest cometh behind’, arguably the primary experience is not of interacting with the deer but of a competition between men to see who will acquire her.
What does the enjambment highlight?
The speaker is exhausted yet drawn further to self-destruction
What does the alliteration highlight?
the alliteration of ‘m’ is juxtaposed with the emphatic and harsh plosive ‘d’ to illustrate the weakness of the persona in the face of the enormity of the task
How is the deer’s inaccessibility affirmed
Because of the rules of masculine ownership
what is the figure of speech used in this sentence and why?
‘Faynting I followe’
Trochaic substitution, it places stresses on the syllables ‘faynt’ and ‘foll’. There is a tension between the speaker’s collapse, conveyed by the aural weakness of f and desire to continue, emphasized by the stressed syllables
What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
What themes can the poem be associated with?
- Destructive and painful love
- Love and Isolation
- Social class and love
- Unrequited love
- Forbidden love
- Obsession
List some quotations from the great Gatsby that refer to this poem
-‘high in a white palace, the king’s daughter, the golden girl’ p115
-‘he gave her a string of pearls valued at three hundred dollars’ p74
what figure of speech is found in the quotation
‘sithens in a net I seek to hold the wind’ and its meaning
A metaphor meaning futility
What is the rhyme scheme of the poem
What is the function of the rhyme scheme
- repetitive rhyme scheme reflects the speakers obsession
- monosyllabic to create factual and consistent tone
- controlled and ordered allows the reader to reflect on his experience and gather his thoughts
Give some context to renaissance poetry
- Courtly love put women on a pedestal and glorified amorous passion
- Era was about courtly and unrequited love