Whole Child Flashcards
What are the three domains of development?
Maslow’s Pyramid
food, water, shelter, warmth
security, stability, no fear
friends, family, spouse, lover
achievement, mastery, recognition, respect
pursue inner talent, creativity, fulfillment
Interpersonal relationships
critical to teaching, learning involve others sense of togetherness, connection commitment to be together influence behavior mutually beneficial economy of trade where the commodity of trade is self-disclosure
capacity to bounce back, succeed successful adaptation coping/managing adversity better than expected outcomes resilience, educational risk building resilience
role of genetics, nature role of environment, nurture inseparable interactions between both early relationships; adaption, dysfunction capabilities, emotions, social skills planned interventions, improve the odds
Johari Window
1 open, free area
2 blind area
3 hidden area
4 unknown area
Social competence
making sense of the social world theory of mind social information processing social-cognitive bias stereotyping prejudice ecological systems
Community Construct
McMillan and Chavis
Membership, belonging
Influence, power relationships
Integration and fulfillment of needs, purpose
Shared emotional connection, significant event
Emotions, Beliefs
Emotions, feelings
Beliefs, thoughts
Beliefs influence emotions
ABCD model, Ellis
Our world
How we perceive our world, is our world
People are basically good and creative
All humans strive to self actualize
Efforts can be constrained by various factors
Rogers healthy personality growth: GENUINENESS openness, self-disclosure ACCEPTANCE unconditional positive regard EMPATHY listened to and understood self-actualisation
Instructional sequence
children need to belong teacher important member of class what you believe to be true is important we're born with capacities and develop others as we grow how you believe you learn is important emotions are real but can be misunderstood knowledge right/wrong develops over time need to stick at things you must be in control of you