Whitt_Hudson Muscular System Test Flashcards
- In the chicken wing diagram A points to the larger muscle below the elbow
- Look Beneath the Skin Questions
- In the chicken diagram D points to the top of the hand toward the larger muscle side
F. Biceps Brachi, Flexor
- Look Beneath the Skin Questions
- In the chicken diagram E points to the top of the elbow and the lower part of the hand
E. Triceps Brochi, extensor
- Look Beneath the Skin Questions
- In the chicken diagram what muscle is points to the arm closer to the hand
D. Extensor
- Look Beneath the Skin Questions
- Slow twitch muscle
F. All of these are true of slow twitch
- Bp muscle system
- What type of muscle reacts and tires quickly
D. Skeletal muscle
- MuscleTissues
- What type of muscle tires quickly during exercise
D. Skeletal muscle
- MuscleTissues
- Where is smooth muscle found
D. Inside many internal organs such as stomach and blood vessels
- MuscleTissues
- Skeletal muscles can not
C. Extend
- MuscleTissues
- Muscles that allow you to nod
A, K A sternocleidomastoid K Trapizious
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- Muscle used to extend the leg at the knee
F quadriceps
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- What does G point to the spot at the pecs
Pectorales major
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- Achilles’ tendon
R. Gastronomic
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- What muscle contracts at the knee so you can move your leg
P. Quadriceps femoris
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- Raises the shoulders
K. Trapizius
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- What does M point to the part below the deltoid on the back
Triceps Brochi
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- When you have shin splints this muscle has been strained
J. Tibialis anterior
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- Muscle used to extend or straighten the leg
F. Quadriceps femoris
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- Tibialis anterior
J.the muscle below the quadriceps femoris
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- It extends or straightens at the forearm
M. I he triceps Brochi below the deltoid
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- External oblique
D. the outer part of your stomach muscle
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- Hamstring
P. Quadriceps femoris
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- Makes a prominent bulge as it flexes at the elbow
H. Bicep femoris
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- Large muscle used in jumping or climbing the stairs or when bent over straightens you up by extending at the hip joint
T. Glutinous Maximus
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- Kite shaped muscle
K. Trapezius
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- Provides support for the abdomen and its many organs
C, Ilatissimuss Dosi
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- A triangle muscle that moves the arm away from the center of the body
Deltoid B, L
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- Straplike muscles that extend from the ribs to the pelvis
C, I latissimuss dorsi
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- Allows the head to rotate and flex
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- Used to pull in your cheeks or blow like a trumpet
G. Buccanater
- Muscles of the Head
- Muscles used in jaw closing
B, d, massetter and temporis
- Muscles of the Head
- Used in blinking and winking
E. Obicuolis oculi
- Muscles of the Head
- Used in frowning
A. Frontalis
- Muscles of the Head
- When you use a pencil for writing which type of muscle a,b,c moves your fingers
C. C. Skeletal
- MuscleTissues
- Which typewhich type of muscle is indicated in C
Skeletal the one that is big straight and has nuclei on the corner of muscle
- MuscleTissues
- Which type of muscle is indicated by B?
Smooth the one that is diagonal
- MuscleTissues
- Tell weather each type of muscle ‘tissue is voluntary or involuntary
A. Cardiac involuntary b involuntary c voluntary
- WKST The Muscular System
80.Tell heather each type of muscle tissue a,b,c is found in the stomach which tissue
B smooth lines stomach
- WKST The Muscular System
- Muscle tissue blank to make body parts move
- Movement at Joints
- Explain how muscles work as a pair to bend and straighten the arm at the elbow causing movement at the joint.
The bicep Brochi not the bicep femoris
And flexion occurs at the bicep brachi
Extension occurs at the triceps brachi
- Movement at Joints
- Deltoid
B. The muscle at the shoulder
- Exterior Muscle of the Body
- Trapizius
K. The muscle on the back below the neck
- Exterior Muscle of the Body