white-collar workers Flashcards
What was the change in the number of civil servants from 1871 to 1918?
Civil servants increased from 40,000 to 250,000.
What was the percentage increase in the number of teachers from 1871 to 1918?
Teachers increased by 143%.
How did the number of doctors change from 1871 to 1918?
The number of doctors more than doubled.
Which sectors needed more jobs during the Bismark period?
The legal profession and the insurance sector.
Why was the increase in jobs good for the white-collar class?
More jobs needed led to better pay, healthier housing, and social mobility.
What was the comparison of the number of artisans to white-collar workers?
The number of artisans dropped from 25.4% to 18.8% compared to white-collar workers rising 4.7% to 10%.
What were the white-collar classes political veiws?
They viewed themselves as separate from the working class. In 1901 organising themselves into a co-ordinating commitee that argued for a seperate state insurance scheme, in 1911 they were successfull
Who did white-collar workers vote for ?
Some for the SPD as they were critcal of the taditional system favouring the Junkers, while others took a more radical path voting for The German Middle Class association which was racist, anti-semetic and nationalist rejecting all forms of parliamentry democracy.
What did the government do to gain support for the Kaiser?
Introduced nationalist policies to unite the people in support of the Kaiser against the SPD.
What happened to the living standards of middle-class parties during WW1?
Their living standards dropped significantly, on par with the working class.
What was happening politically during WW1?
Aug 1916 growing movement against the war within this section of society. Led by middle-class political leader Matthias Erzberger who aligned himself with the SPD voting for an end to the war 212 - 126 votes.
What was worrying the white-collar class in the 1920s? WEIMAR ERA
Increasing unemployment, stagnant wages, and fewer state benefits compared to blue-collar workers.
What caused a shortage of white-collar workers in the 1920s?
More women entering the workforce and newly trained workers entering whilst men were off at war until their return causing unemployment in the 1920s.
What was the unemployment rate for white-collar workers in 1928?
A government report in 1928 showed that 183,371 white-collar workers were unemployed, many without state benefits.
What was the notice period if a white-collar worker was fired compared to blue-collar workers? NAZI ERA
The notice period was 6 weeks for white collar workers compared to only one for blue collar workers.
Under the nazi party, white-collar workers benefitted from perks as they were essential for the implementation of the nazi regime’s policies.
How were white-collar workers represented in the Nazi Party?
65% were over-represented. Were as blue-collar workers were 30% under-represented
Why was the Nazi Party appealing to white-collar workers?
They called for an end to reparations, which appealed to male white-collar workers.
How much did white-collar worker & blue collar-workers grow 1933-1939 & how did there pay change?
-white-collar workers 25% increase- also had an average pay rise of 10%
-blue-collar workers 10% increase- income stagnated
What was the status of pension schemes and insurance benefits for white-collar workers?
They had limited access compared to blue-collar workers.
What was the ‘mittelstandsgesellschaft’? POST WWII
It referred to the elevated middle-class society. This was pursued to minimise class gaps socially & financially through the expansion of white-collar workers and the destruction of the landed elite and Junkers. This helped boost the standard of living due to: higher wages, greater social mobility, employment & social security.
What was the impact of the service industry on the middle class by 1989?
66% of the German workforce was part of the service industry apart of the middle class. This meant the population was better educated and had greater social mobility.
What were the negatives for blue-collar families in West Germany?
They had less access to generational mobility in education and employment.
Were West Germany’s social classes class-less?
No, West Germany was not class-less.
What were white-collar workers’ terms of address compared to blue-collar workers? (under the nazi party)
white collars were adressed as ‘sie’ which gave them greater status than the blue collar workers who were adressed by the less formal ‘du’. Also, they benefit from better status in pension schemes and insurance benefits.
What percentage of the population were white collar workers in 1890, 1940 & 1980?
In 1890, 10%
In 1940, 20%
In 1980, 35%
what was the equalisation of burdens act?
It financially aided those who were most affected by the war, over two decades transferring 900 million.
How did wages, housing and car ownership improve?
- 1950 -1964 wages doubled in west Germany which boosted consumerism and the economy.
-1950’S government policy drove house building & a law in 1956 made it easier for Germans to buy homes. - Tax allowances allowed workers to deduct commuting expenses from venice purchase making it easier to buy a car.