WHIMIS Flashcards
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” when should a Medical Exposure Report be filled out? What is considered a significant Medical exposure and who should be contacted?
- Possible contact with patient with Communicable disease ex: HIV, Hep C, Tuberculosis, large amounts of blood. - Significant exposure - Blood in eye, patient with TB coughs in your face - Call Designated Officer - If you see a Doctor after Medical exposure fill out a WIIR.
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” if you see a doctor after a Medical Exposure or Hazmat Exposure, what should you fill out?
- Workplace Injury/illness Report
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” when should you fill out a Hazardous Material Exposure Report?
- Any time you contact Hazardous Materials ex: house fire, pot on stove, car fire, asbestos, unknown odour. - If you see a Doctor after Hazmat exposure fill out a WIIR.
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” when do you fill out a Workplace Injury/illness Report? In addition if a firefighter gets hurt responding to or during any type of incident what needs to be filled out?
- Any time you get hurt at work. - Casualty Report from the Office of the Fire Marshal Incident and Casualty Reporting Manual.
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” when does a Medical Assessment Form (MAF) get filled out? How often is it submitted if off?
- Coming back to work after Non occupational injury or chest pains - Off work for more than 3 days or 36 hours for the 24 hour shift. - Form obtained on Portal. - Monthly if on modified and if returning from being off.
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” when does a Functional Abilities Form (FAF) get filled out? How often is it submitted?
- Coming back to full duties after work place injury. - If returning or not returning to modified duties after workplace injury. - Monthly after the 1st Doctors visit - Form obtained on Portal
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” what may be brought to a members physician when completing a FAF or MAF? How does it assist the member and Doctor?
- Physical Demands Analysis (PDA) Document - It describes the demands of firefighting to the Physician - Useful for Doctor when deciding appropriate return to work date or modified duties restrictions.
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” when do you issue an NTR?
- Absent Owner/Lessee Rep - Insufficient Level/Lack of knowledge of systems Necessary for the Dept to request your Rep to undertake the following: - Identify heat,smoke detector or pull station - Reset Fire or sprinkler system - Fire Alarm system is indicating a TROUBLE CONDITION - Assure floor/fire watch - Silence alarms - False alarm notification - Outside perimeter and TIC completed - Assistance rendered
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” who shall owner/occupant call when servicing and service complete on fire protection systems?
- When servicing - Monitoring company and BFES - When complete - Monitoring company and fax/email letter to Fire Prevention.
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” under the WHMIS legislation what are the 3 ways info will be provided to you?
- Labels - Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - Worker Training
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” what are the 2 pieces of provincial legislation that implement WHMIS in Ontario?
- Occupational Health and Safety Act - WHMIS Regulation RRO 1990 Regulation 860
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” what are the 2 Supervisor responsibilities under WHMIS?
- Advise workers of chemical hazards, handling procedures and PPE requirements - Ensure workers use and wear PPE
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” under WHMIS what are the 6 classes of chemical hazard? 8 symblos what class has 3 symbols?
- CLASS A - Compressed Gas - CLASS B - Flammable and Combustible Material - CLASS C - Oxidizing Material - CLASS D - Immediately Toxic material, Other Toxic effects, Biohazardous material - CLASS E - Corrosive material - CLASS F - Dangerously Reactive material Class D has 3 different sysmbols
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” WHMIS labels alert the worker to what 3 things?
- Hazards the given product represent - Informs you of the risks that the product present and the precautions to be taken when handling or storing. - Refers you to the MSDS for more detailed hazard info
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” whos responsibility is it to ensure all containers of hazardous material are properly labeled before they are used or stored?
- Both Supervisor and Worker
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” what are the 2 types of Labels theta can be used on Hazardous Material containers?
- Supplier label - Workplace label
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” how can a Supplier Label on a hazardous material be identified?
- Unique hatched-marked border
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” the Supplier label must contain what 8 pieces of info?
- Product identifier - Applicable hazard symbol - Risk phrases - Precautionary measures - First Aid measures - Supplier/Manufacturer identifier - Reference to MSDS - Bilingual
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” give 4 examples when a Workplace label is to be used?
- No Supplier label - When hazmat is transferred from original container to another - Supplier label is illegible or detached, defaced - Hazmat is produced at the workplace
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” what are 3 pieces of info required on a Workplace label?
- Product identifier - Info for the safe handling of the hazmat - Precautions - Reference to the MSDS for additional info
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” what 6 things can make a hazardous material dangerous to your health? What is the most important factor to know?
- Route of entry into body - Amount or dose entering the body (Most important to know) - Length of exposure - Target of accumulation sites in the body - Metabolism and elimination of the material in the body - Biological or individual variation
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” hazmats can enter the body in what 4 ways?
- Inhalation - being most common - Skin/Eye contact - absorbing - Ingestion - swallowing/eating - Injection - reaching blood stream exposed to sharps
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” hazmats in the workplace may cause harm to the body at what four main sites?
- Where they enter - lungs, skin, intestines - In blood that carries them throughout body - Central nervous system - Organs which have the ability to concentrate toxicants and remove them from the body ex: liver, kidneys, bladder
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” a majority of hazardous materials you use will not cause any harm provided you follow what 3 things?
- Read container label - Follow precautions - Wear necessary PPE
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” what are the 4 pieces of data an MSDS contains?
- Health risk of exposure - Safest method of using and storing material - Protective measures for safe-guarding workers from being exposed to material - Emergency response procedures
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” what are the 9 categories of info found on a MSDS?
- Product info - Hazardous ingredients - Physical data - Fire and explosion data - Reactivity data - Toxicological Properties/Health hazard data - First Aid measures - Preventive measures - Preparation info
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” what are 4 Preventative included on the MSDS?
- PPE - Ventilation other engineering controls - Safe handling and storage - Spillage clean up and waste disposal procedures
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” what part of the Workplace Injury/Illness Report does Supervisor or injured employee fill out and what part does Platoon/Division Chief fill out?
- Part A - Part B
According to “What Form Do I Fill Out” what are the 5 pieces of federal legislation that implement WHMUS in Canada?
- Hazardous Product ACT - Controlled Products Regulation - Ingredient Disclosure list - Hazardous Material Information Review Act - Hazardous Materials Information Review Regulations
According to “What forms do I fill out” under WHMIS, what is the sole purpose of WHMIS?
- To provide you with a standard information in a uniform manner so you will be aware of any and all hazards associated with those hazardous materials you use in the course of your job.
According to “What forms do I fill out” under WHMIS, what is the definition of Class A - Compressed Gas and some examples?
- Any material or mixture enclosed in a container under pressure. Examples: - Liquid petroleum gas - Oxygen, nitrogen, ammonia, acetylene - Fire Extinguishers - Propane - Scott air paks Note - Aerosol cans are not under sufficient pressure to be considered compressed gases.
According to “What forms do I fill out” under WHMIS, what is the definition of Class B - Flammable and Combustible materials and some examples?
- A solid, liquid or gas that will ignite and continue to burn if exposed to a flame. Examples: - Hydrogen acetylene, other hydrocarbon gases - Solvents, waxes, cleaners, adhesives, thinners, polishes - Liquid fills - gasoline, diesel - Potassium, magnesium, sodium - Some plastics
According to “What forms do I fill out” under WHMIS, flammable materials are defined as having a flash point below ?? and combustible materials have a flash point equal to or greater than ??
- 37.6 C - 100 F - 37.6 C - 100 F and below 93 C 200 F
According to “What forms do I fill out” under WHMIS, what is the definition of Class C - Oxidizing Materials and some examples?
- A substance that gives off oxygen easily and can cause another substance to burn. Examples: - Chromic acid: when poured onto paper will cause the paper to burn - Peroxides - Chlorates - Perchlorates - Nitrates - Permanganates
According to “What forms do I fill out” under WHMIS, what is the definition of Class D - Poisonous and Infectious Materials and some examples of the three different classes?
- Any substance known to cause a temporary or permanent adverse health effect in humans. A synonym for poisonous is Toxic. Examples D1: Materials causing immediate and serious toxic effects - Ammonia - Chlorine D2: Materials causing other toxic effects - Asbestos - Silica - Solvents D3: Biohazardous infectious material - Blood samples - Viruses - Bacteria
According to “What forms do I fill out” under WHMIS, what is the definition of Class E - Corrosive Materials and some examples?
- A substance that will erode or destroy aluminum or animal tissue (ie: skin, lungs, stomach) Examples: - Acetic acid, Bromine, Chlorine, Fluorine, Hydrochloric acid, muriatic acid, Nitric acid, Potassium hydroxide, Odium hydroxide, Sulfuric acid - battery acid, Chromic acid.
According to “What forms do I fill out” under WHMIS, what is the definition of Class F - Dangerously Reactive Materials and some examples?
- A substance which will react with water to produce a poisonous gas or which will undergo a reaction if the container is heated, pressurized or violently shaken. Examples: - Benzoyl peroxide will decompose and explode if it is heated or dropped. - Aluminum sulphide will react with moisture and release hydrogen sulphide.
According to “What forms do I fill out” under WHMIS, what are the 10 materials that may be hazardous but do not fall under WHMIS?
- Explosives - Explosive act - Pesticides - Pest control products act - Cosmetic, device, drug or food - Food and Drugs act - Radioactive materials - Atomic energy control - Consumer product in quantities normally consumed by public - Hazardous waste - Waste Management Regulation - Tobacco or product made from - Wood or product made from - Manufactured article - Control products while being transported - Transportation of Dangerous Goods act
According to “What forms do I fill out” under WHMIS, what does the Health Hazard Data, Preventive Measures and First Aid Measures sections tell you?
Health Hazards Data - effects of substance might be. Preventive Measures - how to avoid exposure and protect yourself. First Aid Measures - what to do should an over-exposure occur.
According to “What forms do I fill out” under WHMIS, what are the 3 different types of Threshold Limit Values?
-Time Weighted Average (TWA) - the time weighted average concentration for a normal 8 hour workday and 40 hour work week to which nearly all workers may be exposed day after day without adverse effect. - Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) - Exposures to the STEL should not be longer than 15 mins and should not be repeated more than 4 times in a 8 hour day. There should be at least 60 mins between successive exposures to the STEL. - Ceiling Exposure Limit (CEL) - The concentration that should not be exceeded at any time, even for an instant.
According to “What forms do I fill out” under WHMIS, health effects are categorized into what two types?
- Acute - Chronic
According to “What forms do I fill out” under WHMIS, what is the MSDS?
- A document containing detailed hazard and safe handling info for a given hazmat. It is prepared and supplied by the products manufacturer: therefore MSDS’s will vary in length, format and appearance.
According to “What Forms Do I Fill Out”, what are the 6 steps to Workplace Injury & Illness Workflow?
- Workplace Injury/Illness occurs - Injured worker submits electronic WIIR - Immediate Supervisor reviews and approves or recommends rework to the injured worker. - Platoon/Division Chief reviews and approves or recommends rework to the immediate Supervisor - Platoon/Division Chief completes investigation and prevention notes. - Injured worker and their immediate Supervisor reviews investigation and prevention notes.
According to “What Forms Do I Fill Out”, MVC Required Information Card, what information is to be collected, front and back?
Front: - Invest Police Force, Report No, Name, Number, Residential Street Y or N, Hwy 410 or 407 Y or N, Resident or Non-Resident, Driver, Address. - Red info to be collected for every vehicle: Vehicle Lis Plate No, Make/Model, Colour, Owner Details, Ins Co, Policy No. Back: - Services Performed, Cause of Emergency, Location of Emergency, Obstruction (No of Lanes), Was Hwy/ MTO property damaged? - Info is collected under Municipal Act and used for cost recovery. - Questions about collection of personal Info should be directed to Division Chief, Administrative Services.