Where one lives or works Flashcards
Kei Te Waipounamu ahau e noho ana.
I live in the South Island
Kei Te Puke taku whānau e noho ana.
My family lives in Te Puke.
Kei Rotorua ia e noho ana.
He/she lives in Rotorua.
Kei Tamakimakaurau ahau e noho ana.
I live in Auckland.
Kei Te Waipounamu ahau e noho ana.
I live in the South Island.
Kei Te Tai Rāwhiti ia e noho ana.
She lives on the East Coast.
Kei Rakirua ia e noho ana.
He lives on Stuart Island.
Kei Kapiti taku whānau e noho ana.
My family lives in Kapiti.
Kei Māngere taku hoa e noho ana.
My friend lives in Māngere.
Kei konei taku māmā e noho ana.
My mum lives here.
Kei Te Waipounamu oku mātua e noho ana.
My parents live in the South Island.
Kei Ōtepoti taku tama e mahi ana.
My son works in Dunedin.
Kei konei ahau e mahi ana.
I work here.