When to use what Flashcards
If the first verb is in the present, present perfect (he visto, ha dicho), future (llegara con accento), or imperative (ponga, salga), the second (dependent) verb will usually be ___________ or the __________.
in the present subjunctive (venga, vaya) or the present perfect subjunctive (haya comido, hayas disfrutado)
If the first verb is in any past tense or a conditional tense, the second verb will usually be in the ______.
imperfect subjunctive (hablara, viniera)
Si ______ más dinero, viajaría por todo el mundo.
Si yo _____ tú, no lo haría.
fuera (If I were you, I wouldn’t do it)
Imperfect subjunctive endings
-ra –ras –ra –ramos –rais-ran
hablar in imperfect subjunctive
hablara, hablaras, hablara, habláramos, hablaran
Quise que _____ a mi fiesta.
vinieras ( I wanted you to come to my party)
Le iba a prestar dinero para que se _____ un abrigo.
Tenía miedo de que no ______
It doesn’t seem to me that the journey was long.
No me parece que el viaje fuera/fuese largo.
t’s good that he got married
Es bueno que él se casara
I wish it were snowing in Panama.
Ojalá que nevara/nevase en Panamá
I would like two weeks of vacation.
Quisiera/Quisiese dos semanas de vacaciones.
If I were queen, I would travel all over the world.
Si yo fuera/fuese reina, viajaría por todo el mundo.
I’m delighted that you enjoyed the video
Me alegro de que hayas disfrutado del video.
I doubt that she’s eaten already
Dudo que haya comido ya.
Speak so that they hear you.
Habla para que te oigan.
She will want us to go
Ella querra (accento on last a) que vayamos