When do laws take effect? Flashcards
Article 2 NCC
Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the completion of their publication either in the Official Gazette, or, in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines, unless it is otherwise provided. (As amended by E.O. 200)
How many days after the completion of their publication shall laws take effect?
Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the completion of their publication.
If a law was published on August 1 at the Official Gazette, when shall it take effect?
August 17. Art 2 provides that laws shall take effect after fifteen days FOLLOWING the completion of their publication.
What case prompted the amendment of Article 2 of the NCC.
The case of Tanada v Tuvera prompted the amendment for Article 2 of the NCC. EO 200 (2) states “WHEREAS, the requirement that for laws to be effective only a publication thereof in the Official Gazette will suffice has entailed some problems, a point recognized by the Supreme Court in Tañada, et al. vs. Tuvera, et al. (G.R. No. 63915, December 29, 1986), when it observed that ‘[t]here is much to be said of the view that the publication need not be made in the Official Gazette, considering its erratic release and limited readership;’”
When shall laws have retrospective effect?
Only when the law says so, and when it does not impede any vested rights
In the interpretation of a law or administrative issuance promulgated in all official languages, which text shall be controlling?
The English text shall be controlling if a law or administrative issuance is promulgated in all official languages, unless otherwise specifically provided.
Is there an exception to the rule of having the Egnlisht text controlling?
Yes, when it is provided that another language shall be controlling.
When can we consult other languages?
In cases of ambiguity, ommission, or mistake.
What does it mean when we talk about the principle that there shall be no implied revival of a repealed law?
Sec. 21 RAC. When a law which expressly repeals a prior law is itself repealed, the law first repealed shall not be thereby revived unless expressly so provided.
What does it meanwhen we talk about the principle that a law impliedly repealed shall be revived?
Sec. 22 RAC. When a law which impliedly repeals a prior law is itself repealed, the law first repealed shall thereby be revived, unless the repealing law provides otherwise.
When RA 123 impliedly repealed RA 234, and subsequently RA 123 was repealed by RA 567. No clause as to non-revival of any past law. Shall RA 234 be revived?
Yes. RA 234 shall be revived. According to Sec 22 of the RAC, when a law which impliedly repeals a prior law is itself repealed, the law first repealed shall thereby be riveved, unless the repealing law says otherwise. In this case, since RA 567 does not provide any clause on the non-revival of any past law, and since RA 123 merely impliedly repealed RA 234, then RA 234 is revived.
Shall a man who does not know that he has violated be exempt from criminal charges?
No. Art. 3 NCC and Sec 23 of the RAC provides that “Ignorance of the law excuses no one from compliance therwith.” A man who does not know that he has violated a law, is not excused from the penalties therewith.
What shall be the contents of the Official Gazette?
SECTION 24. Contents. — There shall be published in the Official Gazette all legislative acts and resolutions of a public nature; all executive and administrative issuances of general application; decisions or abstracts of decisions of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, or other courts of similar rank, as may be deemed by the said courts of sufficient importance to
be so published; such documents or classes of documents as may be required so to be published by law; and such documents or classes of documents as the President shall determine from time to time to have general application or which he may authorize so to be
The publication of any law, resolution or other official documents in the Official Gazette shall be prima facie evidence of its authority.
What shall be published in the Official Gazette?
(1) All legislative acts and resolutions of a public nature;
(2) all executive and administrative issuances of a general application;
(3) Decisions or abstarcts of decisions of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, or other courts of similar rank, as may be deemed by the said courts of sufficient importance to be so published;
(4) such documents or classes of documents as may be required so to be published by law; and
(5) such documents or classes of documents as the President shall determine from time to time to have general application or which he may authorize to be so published.
Can a crime be committed at the time when the Official Gazette containing the publication of the law is not circulated to the public?
No, a crime cannot be committed when the Official Gazette containing the law is not yet crirculated to the public. In the case of People vs Veridiano, the Court acquited the defendant from the crime defined by BP 22 because although BP 22 was on the Official Gazette with the printed issue date of April 1979, the said gazette was never circulated until June 1979. Since the alleged crime was committed in the month of May 1979, then the Court ruled that no crime has occured.
Can a law not be published in the Official Gazette and still take effect, provided that the law indicated that it shall take effect immediately?
No, the law not published in the Official Gazette is not binding. In the case of Tanada v Tuvera, the Court ruled that the laws supposedly promulgated by the President were not binding until they were published in the Official Gazette.
For court decisions to be binding, shall they need to be published in the Official Gazette?
No, court decisions need not be published in the Official Gazette for them to effective, even if it lays down a new procedural rule. In the case of MRCA vs Court of Appeals, the Court held that publilcation is not a prerequisite for the effectivity of a court ruling even if it lays down a new rule of procedure for “it is a doctrine well established that the procedure of the court may be changed at any time and become effective at once, so long as it does not affect or change vested rights.”
When shall Court decisions need to be published at the Official Gazette?
Court decisions need to published at the Official Gazette when it affects or changes vested rights.
When an internal memorandum is issued concerning the stricter implementation of a government office’s mandate, shall the said memorandum need to be published in the Official Gazette in order to be binding?
No, internal memoranda need not be published in the Official Gazette in order to have binding effect. In the case of Yaokasin vs Commissioner of Customs, the Court held that the assailed memorandum is binding and need not be published in the Official Gazette for it only concerned internal and administrative matters. Pursuant to section 24 of the Revised Administrative Code, only executive and administrative orders of deemed to be of general applicability need to be published in the Official Gazette.
When an internal memorandum affects third party persons, shall its publication in the Officail Gazette be necessary for its effectivity?
Yes, when an internal memorandum affects thrid party persons, its publication in the Official Gazette, or in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines, is necessary for its effectivity. In the case of Commissioner of Customs vs Hypermix Feeds Corp., the Court held that assailed memorandum issued by the commissioner is void as it was not published in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper. Contrary to the contention of the petitioner that it was an internal memorandum, its effect included thir party individulas. Thus, it was of general applicability. By its nature, it is necessary for it to be published.
Shall a provision of a law not included in the Official Gazette or the newspaper’s publication, perhaps by some error or honest mistake of the publisher, be binding?
No, a provision or portion of the law not included in the publication as defined in Article 2 of the NCC, shall not be binding. In the case of NMSMI vs Military Shrines Services - PVAO, `the Court held that the handwritten addendum by President Marcos was not effective as it was not included in the publication of the law.
If a law expressly states that it shall take effect fifteen days after publication in the Official Gazette, and that law was published in the Official Gazette on May 1, when shall the law take effect? But if the law does not expressly state its date of effectivity, when shall it take effect?
If the law expressly states its date of effectivity to be fifteen days after publication, then it shall take effect on May 16. However, if the law does not expressly state its date of effectivy, then it shall be on May 17.
Art 2 NCC Art 13 (3) NCC
Can a Court validly use the printed date of issue indicated in the Official Gazette as basis for the date of publication and effectivity of a law?
No. The Court cannot validly use the printed date of issue indicated in the Official Gazette as a valid basis for the publication and effectivity of a law. In the case of People v Veridiano, the Court held that although the printed date on the Official Gazette where the law was published was April 9, 1979, the Official Gazette was only officially released for circulation on June 14, 1979. The basis for the official release was from a certification by the Copy Editor of the Official Gazette stating that the said issue was only circulated on June 14. Therefore, the Court cannot validly use as a basis the printed date of issue because it is not proof that the said issue has been circulated.
NCC Art. ___. Laws shall take effect ________ following the ____________ publication ____ in the Official Gazette, ___, in a newspaper of general ____ in the _______, _____ it is otherwise provided. (As ______ by _____)
NCC Art 2. Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the completion of their publication either in the Official Gazette, or, in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines, unless it is otherwise provided. (As amended by E.O. 200).
What law amended Article 2 of the NCC?
Article 2 of the NCC was amended by E.O. 200.
What are the hierarchy of sources of laws in the Philippines?
(1) Constitution, (2) Legislation / Statutes, (3) Administrative / Executive orders, (4) Judicial opinion, (5) Custom, (6) Principles of justice and equity, (7) Others
What is the legal basis which provides that the Philippines partially practices a common law system?
The legal basis that provides that the Philippines partially practices a common law system is Article 8 of the New Civil Code which states that “Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws or the Constitution shall form a part of the legal system of the Philippines. (n)”
Article __ of the New Civil Code which states that “_______ applying or interpreting the ____ ___ the _______ shall form a part of the _____ of the Philippines. (n)”
Article 8 of the New Civil Code which states that “Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws or the Constitution shall form a part of the legal system of the Philippines. (n)”