Wheelock's Latin: Chapter 7 Vocab Flashcards
ámor, amōris
m. love
cármen, cárminis
n. song, poem
cīvitās, cīvitātis
f. state, citizenship
córpus, córporis
n. body
hómō, hóminis
m. human being, man
lábor, labōris
m. Labor, work, toil, a work, production
líttera, lítterae
f. a letter of the alphabet
lítterae, lítterārum
f. pl. a letter
mōs, mōris
m. habit, custom, manner
mōrēs, mōrum
pl. habits, morals, character
nōmen, nōminis
n. name
pāx, pācis
f. peace
rēgīna, -ae
f. queen
rēx, rēgis
m. king
témpus, témporis
n. time, occasion, opportunity
térra, térrae
f. earth, ground, land, country
úxor, uxōris
f. wife
vīrgo, vīginis
f. maiden, virgin
vírtūs, virtūtis
f. manliness, courage, excellence, character, worth, virtue
nóvus, nóva, nóvum
new, strange
(prep + acc.) after, behind
(prep + abl for verbs of rest) under, up under, close to
(prep + acc for verbs of motion) under, up under, close to
aúdeō, audēre, aúsus sum
to dare
nécō, nécāre, nécāvī, nécātum
to murder, kill