Wheelock's Ch. 8 Flashcards
Copia, Copiae (f)
Abundance, supply; (pl) Supplies, troops, forces
Frater, Fratris (m)
Laus, Laudis (f)
Praise, glory, fame
Libertas, Libertatis (f)
Ratio, Rationis (f)
Reckoning, account; Reason, judgment, consideration, system, manner, method
Scriptor, Scriptoris (m)
Writer, author
Soror, Sororis (f)
Victoria, Victoriae (f)
Dum (conj)
While, as long as, at the same time that; (+ subjunctive) Until
Ad (prep + acc)
To, up to, near
Ex or E (prep + abl)
Out of, from, from within; By reason of, on account of; Following cardinal numbers
Numquam (adv)
Tamen (adv)
Nevertheless, still
Ago, Agere, Egi, Actum
To drive, lead, do, act; Pass, spend (life or time)
Gratias agere (+ dat)
To thank (someone in dat.); Literally, to give thanks to (someone)
Demonstro, Demonstrare, Demonstravi, Demonstratum
To point out, show, demonstrate
Disco, Discere, Didici
To learn
Doceo, Docere, Docui, Doctum
To teach
Duco, Ducere, Duxi, Ductum
To lead; Consider, regard; Prolong
Gero, Gerere, Gessi, Gestum
To carry; Carry on, manage, conduct, wage, accomplish, perform
Scrivo, Scribere, Scripsi, Scriptum
To write, compose
Traho, Trahere, Traxi, Tractum
To draw, drag; Derive, acquire
Vinco, Vincere, Vici, Victum
To conquer, overcome