What were the changes and continuities for medicine in the Ancient Period? (Prehistoric, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans) Flashcards
Most Egyptian medicines were purgatives. What does this mean?
Medicines designed to make you be sick or go to the toilet (poo poo).
What are the three themes comprising the History of Medicine?
Disease and infection, surgery and anatomy, public health.
Why was bleeding introduced as a treatment for any illnesses as a result of the 4 Humours theory?
Based on the four humours, doctors thought that they needed to reduce the blood in a patient’s body to make the better.
What are the factors we use in the History of Medicine?
Religion, Chance, War, Individuals, Science & Technology , Communications.
Why might a person wear an abracadabra charm?
To ward off the plague
What is an epidemic?
A disease which spreads widely, harms/kills lots of people and is very difficult to stop.
What was the Hippocratic collection?
A collection of books covering many aspects of medicine written by Hippocrates. They were used for centuries.
What were the types of treatments based on the four humours?
Bleeding and purgatives.
What did the Egyptians know about the function of key bodily organs?
Very little.
What is a fun and memorable poem for remembering the first letter of each of the time periods (in the right order)?
People Eat Green Rolos During Rows In Turkey
What did Galen demonstrate that improved knowledge of anatomy?
That the brain controls the body not the heart.
Which time periods are sometimes summarised as the’ ‘Ancient World?’
Prehistoric, Egyptian, Greek, Romans
Who was Asclepios?
The Greek God of healing.
What were aqueducts?
Channels built by the Romans to bring fresh clean water into their towns and cities from higher ground.
What was the Egyptian’s natural explanation for disease?
The Channel Theory
The Roman goddess of healing was called Salus. Who else did they sometimes pray to?
If you had a bad fever, which humour would Greek doctors say you had too much of?
Yellow bile.
How many book did Galen write?
Around 64.
What improved knowledge of anatomy in the Egyptian period?
What was the Egyptians’ natural response to illness?
The Channel Theory.