What was Nazi success down to ? Flashcards
What happened to the Nazi Part when Hitler was in jail ?
The party plunged into chaos showing just how dispensable he was.
Why was Hitler so popular as a character / person ?
He was a charismatic and talented public speaker and was flexible in his speeches to make it applicable to whatever crowd he was addressing.
The success of the Nazis stemmed partly from their organizational structure throughout Germany. How was the party organised ?
Party was organised in a series of areas called Gaus.They then would be headed by a local leader which was the Gauleiters. Gauleiters were free to develop the party in their local areas.
What did the Gauleiters do / stress the importance of ?
They stressed the importance of community ( volksgemeinschaft ) and put on soup kitchens and and food donations to people in distress.
What did the Gaues do to gain support ?
Targeted key individuals in society and distributed leaflets, pamphlets and carried out door to door campaigning .
Impact of the Nazis being very skilled propaganda ?
This played an important part in their success in winning votes
What new technology did the Nazis use as propaganda ?
radio broadcasts
plane tours
cinema news reels
What were the Nazi propaganda techniques ?
Nazis had their own newspapers.
They also publicised many posters and leaflets, put on film shows and staged rallies - nazi marches and rallies, with their banners, songs, bands and the sheer force of numbers, made a powerful statement about Nazi strength.
How did the role of the elites help Nazi success ?
The Nazis promised protection from communists and to rid Germany of them.
Big businesses gave the Nazis money e.g. Benz, and Krupps, and Hugenberg ( allowed them to publish Nazi propaganda against the communists in his newspaper.
How did the SA/ violence help Nazi success ?
The SA were used to attack communists, disrupt their meetings, tear down posters and intimidate voters e.g. in the 1930 and 1932 elections.