What's the item called? And what are the properties? Flashcards
Abyssal Mask
300 Health
45 Magic Resist
15 Ability Haste
Reduce nearby enemy champions Magic Resist by 30%
Archangel’s Staff
70 Ability Power
600 Mana
25 Ability Haste
Gain Ability Power equal to 1% bonus Mana.
Manaflow (8s, max 5 charges)
Landing Abilties grant 5 max Mana (doubled vs. champions).
Transforms into Seraph’s Embrace at 360 max Mana.
Ardent Censer
10% Heal and Shield Power
125% Base Mana Regen
4% Move Speed
Healing or Shielding an ally enhances you both for 6 seconds, granting 25% Attack Speed and 20 magic damage On-Hit.
Axiom Arc
55 Attack Damage
18 Lethality
20 Ability Haste
When a champion that you damaged within 3 seconds dies, refund some of your Ultimate Ability’s total cooldown.
Banshee’s Veil
Periodically blocks enemy abilities
105 Ability Power
40 Magic Resist
Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability.
Black Cleaver
Dealing physical damage to champions reduces their Armor by 6% for 6 seconds. (stacks 5 times).
Dealing physical damage grants 20 Move Speed for 2 seconds.
Blackfire Torch
80 Ability Power
600 Mana
20 Ability Haste
Baleful Blaze
Damaging Abilities deals bonus magic damage for 3 seconds
Blade of The Ruined King
Deals damage based on target’s Health, can steal Move Speed
40 Attack Damage
25% Attack Speed
10% Life Steal
Mist’s Edge
Attacks deal a percentage of enemy’s current Health as bonus physical damage On-Hit.
Clawing Shadows
Attacking a champion 3 times Slows them by 30% for 1 second
Bloodletter’s Curse
60 Ability Power
350 Health
15 Ability Haste
Vile Decay
Dealing magic damage with abilities or passives to champions reduces their Magic Resistance by 5% for 6 seconds, up to 30%.
200 Health
75% Base Health Regen
75% Base Mana Regen
5 Gold Per 10 Seconds
After using an Ability, your next Attack deals bonus physical damage On-Hit. If the target is a champion, they take increased damage for 6 seconds.Active (4 charges)
Places an Invisible Stealth Ward that grants vision.
Grants Attack Damage, Life Steal and Life Steal now overheals
80 Attack Damage
15% Life Steal
Convert excess healing from your Lifesteal to a Shield.
Celestial Opposition
200 Health
75% Base Health Regen
75% Base Mana Regen
5 Gold Per 10 Seconds
Blessing of the Mountain
Reduce incoming champion damage for 2 seconds after taking damage from a champion. When the effect ends, slow nearby enemies by 50% for 1.5 seconds.
Active (4 charges)
Places an Invisible Stealth Ward that grants vision.
Chempunk Chainsword
45 Attack Damage
450 Health
15 Ability Haste
Dealing physical damage applies 40% Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds.
Cosmic Drive
Massive amounts of Cooldown Reduction
70 Ability Power
350 Health
25 Ability Haste
4% Move Speed
Dealing magic or true damage to champions grants Move Speed for 4 seconds.
Activate to remove all debuffs and grant massive Move Speed
60 Ability Power
30% Magic Penetration
15 Ability Haste
Life from Death
When a champion that you damaged within 3 seconds dies, a nova spreads from their corpse that heals
45 Ability Power
16% Heal and Shield Power
100% Base Mana Regen
First Light
Gain 2% Heal and Shield Power and 10 Ability Power per 100% Base Mana Regen.
Dead Man’s Plate
Build momentum as you move around then smash into enemies.
350 Health
55 Armor
4% Move Speed
While moving, build up to 20 bonus Move Speed. Your next Attack discharges built up Move Speed to deal bonus physical damage.
Reduce the effectiveness of Slows by 25%.
Death’s Dance
60 Attack Damage
15 Ability Haste
50 Armor
Ignore Pain
A percentage of damage taken is dealt to you over 3 seconds instead.
When a champion that you damaged within 3 seconds dies, cleanse Ignore Pain’s remaining damage and restore Health over 2 seconds
Dream Maker
200 Health
75% Base Health Regen
75% Base Mana Regen
5 Gold Per 10 Seconds
Dream Maker
Healing or Shielding another ally blows Dream Bubbles to them for 3 seconds. Their next Attack deals bonus magic damage On-Hit and the next damage they take is reduced.Active (4 charges)
Places an Invisible Stealth Ward that grants vision.
Echoes of Helia
Damage low-health enemies to trigger a cursed explosion, dealing damage and slowing nearby foes
35 Ability Power
200 Health
20 Ability Haste
125% Base Mana Regen
Soul Siphon
Damaging a champion grants a Soul Shard, up to 2.
Healing or Shielding an ally consumes all Soul Shards to restore Health and deal magic damage to the nearest enemy champion per Shard.
60 Attack Damage
15 Ability Haste
Ever Rising Moon
Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within 2 seconds grants you a Shield for 2 seconds.
Edge of Night
Periodically blocks enemy abilities
50 Attack Damage
15 Lethality
250 Health
Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability.
Essence Reaver
60 Attack Damage
15 Ability Haste
25% Critical Strike Chance
Essence Drain
Attacks grant Mana On-Hit.
Experimental Hexplate
Increases maximum Mana as Mana is spent
40 Attack Damage
20% Attack Speed
450 Health
Gain 30 Ultimate Ability Haste.
After casting your Ultimate, gain 30% Attack Speed and 15% Move Speed for 8 seconds.
Force of Nature
Move Speed, Magic Resist, and max Health Regeneration
400 Health
55 Magic Resist
4% Move Speed
Gain 70 Magic Resist and 6% bonus Move Speed after taking magic damage from Champions 8 times.
Frozen Heart
Massively increases Armor and slows enemy basic attacks
75 Armor
400 Mana
20 Ability Haste
Winter’s Caress
Reduce the Attack Speed of nearby champions by 20%
Guinsoo’s Rageblade
30 Attack Damage
30 Ability Power
25% Attack Speed
Attacks deal 30 bonus magic damage On-Hit.
Seething Strike
Attacks grant 8% Attack Speed for 3 seconds. (stacks 4 times).
While fully stacked, every third Attack applies On-Hit effects twice.
Restores Health on kill or assist
900 Health
100% Base Health Regen
Colossal Consumption
If an enemy champion is nearby for a few seconds, your next Attack against them deals 80 plus of 12% of your Item Health as bonus physical damage and grants 12% of the damage as max Health.
For each 1000 max Health, gain 3% increased size, up to 30%.
Hextech Rocketbelt
Activate to dash forward and unleash a fiery explosion
60 Ability Power
350 Health
15 Ability Haste
Dash in target direction, unleashing missiles that deal magic damage
Hollow Radiance
Immobilize enemies to gain a shield. Activate to run faster at opponents.
400 Health
40 Magic Resist
10 Ability Haste
100% Base Health Regen
After taking or dealing damage, deal magic damage per second to nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
Killing an enemy deals magic damage around them
Horizon Focus
Immobilizing a champion causes lightning to strike them
75 Ability Power
25 Ability Haste
Dealing Ability damage to champions at 600 range or greater Reveals them for 6 seconds.
Deal 10% increased damage to enemies Revealed by this item.
When Hypershot is triggered, Reveal all other enemy champions within 1400 range of them for 3 seconds
60 Attack Damage
18 Lethality
10 Ability Haste
When a champion that you damaged within 3 seconds dies, gain 15 Attack Damage plus 2 per champion killed for 90 seconds.
40 Attack Damage
500 Health
4% Move Speed
Every fifth Attack against champions and epic monsters deals bonus physical damage, increased against Structures.
Boarding Party
Nearby allied siege and super minions gain Armor and Magic Resist.
Iceborn Gauntlet
High Magic Resist.Passively slow nearby enemies. When spells are cast near you, release a wave of energy that damages and slows.
300 Health
50 Armor
15 Ability Haste
After using an Ability, your next Attack deals bonus physical damage On-Hit and creates a frost field for 2s that Slows.
Immortal Shieldbow
55 Attack Damage
25% Critical Strike Chance
Taking damage that would reduce your Health below 30% grants a Shield for 3 seconds.
Imperial Mandate
Defer damage until later.
60 Ability Power
20 Ability Haste
125% Base Mana Regen
Coordinated Fire (0s) per target
Slowing or Immobilizing an enemy champion marks them for 5 seconds. Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing magic damage equal to 10% of current health.
Infinity Edge
Massively enhances critical strikes
70 Attack Damage
25% Critical Strike Chance
40% Critical Strike Damage
Jak’Sho, The Protean
350 Health
45 Armor
45 Magic Resist
Voidborn Resilience
After 5 seconds of champion combat, increase your bonus Armor and Magic Resist by 30% until end of combat.
Kaenic Rookern
400 Health
80 Magic Resist
100% Base Health Regen
After not taking magic damage for 15 seconds, gain a magic shield