What-part One Flashcards
What are the months of the Jewish year?
תשרי, חשבן, כסלו, טבת, שבט, אדר, ניסן, אייר, סיון, תמוז, אב, אלול
What are the names of the Shiv’at Haminim?
Wheat, Barley, Grapes, Olives, Figs, Dates, Pomegranates
What was created on every day of creation?
- Light and dark
- Sky and seas
- Dry land, trees, plants
- Sun, moon and stars
- Sea creatures and birds, incests
- Humans and animals
- Rest
What are the signs of kosher fish, animals, and birds?
Fish- scales and fins
Animals- split hooves and chew their cud
Birds- an animal of prey, the Torah list all non 24 Kosher birds
What are the 7 Noahide laws ( laws that even non-Jews should keep)?
- Don’t bow to idols
- Don’t swear
- Don’t kill
- Don’t commit adultery
- Don’t steal
- Don’t each from a living animal
- Set up courts of justice
What is the correct order in which to cut our nails?
1) Don’t cut in order (LH- 5,3,1,4,2 RH- 1,3,5,2,4)
What are the names of the 5 Megillot and when is each one read in Shul?
- רות- שבועות
- אסתר- פורים
- קהלת- סוכות
- שיר השירים- פסח
- איכה- תשעה באב
What is the correct way for putting and tying shoes?
When putting on your shoes the right shoe goes first. When tying your shoe the left shoe is tied first.