What - Part 1 Flashcards
What are the months in the Jewish year
- תשרי
- חשון
- כסלו
- טבת
- שבט
- אדר
- ניסן
- אייר
- סיון
- תמוז
- אב
- אלול
What are the name of the שבעת המינים?
- Grapes
- pomegranate
- fig
- wheat
- barley
- dates
- Olives
What was created on every day of creation
Day 1. Separated light from darkness Day 2. Separated the waters from the sky Day 3. Dry land and plant life Day 4. The sun the moon and the stars Day 5. Living creatures in the water and creatures in the sky Day 6. Land animals and Adam and Chava Day 7. Hashem rested
What are the signs of Kosher fish, animals and birds
Land animals - split hooves and chews his cud
Birds - Torah lists the non-kosher birds, basically all predatory birds
Fish and Seafood - fins and scales
What are the 7 Noahide laws
- Don’t kill
- Don’t steal
- Don’t commit idolatry
- Don’t commit adultery
- Don’t curse in the name of G-d
- Don’t eat the flesh of a loving animal
- Has to have a court of justice
What is the correct order in which we cut our nail
On the left hand: 3-1-4-2-5
On the right rand: 8-6-9-7-10
What are the names of the five Megillot and when is each one read in school
רות - שבעות אסטר - פורים קוהלת - שבת הסוכות שיר השירים - שבת הגדול איכה - תשעה באב
What is the correct way to put on and tie your shoes
When putting on your shoes the right shoe goes first. When tying your shoes the left shoe is tied first