What is Statistics : Chapter 1 Flashcards
Objects that are described by a set of data. EX: People, animals, and things
Characteristics, numbers, and quantities related to various individuals. EX: Numerical and Categorical variables
Categorical variables
Variables that describe an individual by placing them into different groups (categories)
EX: Gender
Quantitative Variable
Variables that are measured by numbers. EX: Population, shoe sizes, milage
Distribution tells us what all the possible values are in a data set and how often they occur.
A conclusion drawn from evidence and reasoning.
The relationship between two variables. EX: When knowing the value of one variable predicts the value of another
Two-way tables
A table that organizes the data of two categorical variables measured for the same set of individuals.
Symmetric Distribution
The data set presents a graph that mirrors itself on the left and right. EX: a parabola
Skewed right
The data set presents a graph where there are less data points on the right side. EX: the tail of the graph would be on the right side of the graph
Skewed left
The data set presents a graph where there are less data points on the left side. EX: The tail of the graph is on the left side of the graph
Stemplots separate data by ones and tens in order to show data frequency and a quick idea of what a graph will look like.
Data Analysis
Organizing, displaying, summarizing, and asking questions about a certain topic.
Frequency Table
Displays the frequencies of certain results in a data set
Roundoff Error
The difference between an approximation of a number computation and its exact value.
Pie Chart
Graph that displays categorical variables by using sections of a “pie” to represent various percentages and frequencies within a data set.
Bar Graph
Graph that displays each category as a bar, the height of the bar depends on the frequencies of various variables.
Side by Side Bar Graph
Bar graphs that represent two separate categories displayed across the x-axis in different colors.
The median or mean of a data set. EX: measures of center
The range of a data set. EX: measures of spread
A value that lies outside the overall pattern of a data set.
A data point that varies from the rest of the data point. EX: 1,2,4,6,91….91 is the outlier
The most frequent value in a data set. EX: 1,2,3,3,3,3,4…..3 is the mode
Overall Pattern
The pattern of distribution which includes shape, center, and spread of the data.
Unimodal Dot Plot
A dot plot that consists of only one peak.
Bimodal Dot Plot
A dot plot that contains two peaks.
The average of a data set. Mean is represented by a symbol that is x with a horizontal line above it. Mean = sum of all values/ number of values
(x bar) x̅ = ∑xi / n
The midpoint of the data set
Calculates the full spread of the data and is used to see variance. EX: subtract the lower extreme from the upper extreme
First Quartile
The first fourth of a data set, on the left of the median.
Third Quartile
The third fourth of a data set, on the right of the median.
1.5 Outlier Rule
If a data point is less than (Q 1 - 1.5 x IQR) or more than (Q3 + 1.5 x IQR), it is an outlier.
Interquartile Range (IQR)
Measures statistical dispersion by finding the difference between the 75th and 25th percentiles (Q3 and Q1).
Relative Frequency Table
Displays the percentage (relative frequencies) that occur in each recorded category
Marginal Distribution
The distribution of values among all represented individuals
Conditional Distribution
Describes the values of variables among specific values of certain individuals. EX: think about conditional probability
Segmented Bar Graph
Bars are stacked on top of one another to represent various categories of a whole.
Dot plot
A graph that shows quantitative data by using dots to represent frequencies of a specific category.
A value that lies outside the rest of the data’s pattern.
Stem (Stemplot)
The digits in the tens place located on a stemplot.
Leaf (Stemplot)
The digits in the ones place located on a stemplot.