What is journey mapping? Flashcards
What is Journey Mapping?
Any of a family of methods that are used to create a simplified representation of a complex process or experience.
Includes: A journey map that is created and updated during the process
A workshop where stakeholders form a shared understanding and align their efforts to create value
Data gathering and analysis which might include problem space research or solution space research
A shared understanding of the current situation and the people using or creating a product or service
Internal alignment between internal stakeholders who create a product or service
External alignment between the internal stakeholders, the product or service and the external stakeholders in a market
Plans and Action for creating value
What is a Journey Map?
A visual artifact that is an important tool in any journey mapping process.
Time/Process, which is usually represented from left to right across the artifact (e.g., phases, sequences, steps, frequency)
Actions of the customer and the organization over time (e.g., tasks, transitions)
Influences or the forces that shape actions over time (e.g., touchpoints, messaging)
Customer perspective of the forces that affect decisions (e.g., expectations, emotions, thoughts)
Company perspective of the forces that affect decisions (e.g., goals, metrics, systems, employees)
Encounters where customers and the business come into contact (e.g., scenarios, channels, messages, systems)
Outcomes of encounters (e.g., emotions, responses, barriers, additional actions)
What is the relationship between the terms “journey mapping” and “journey map” (as they are defined in this course)?
Journey mapping is a process that often includes the use of a journey map.
Though many people use these terms interchangeably, for this course we will refer to journey mapping as a process that often includes the use of a journey map.
Maps simplify complex spaces. Perhaps more importantly, useful maps simplify complex spaces just enough.
Maps simplify complex spaces. Perhaps more importantly, useful maps simplify complex spaces just enough.
maps can show patterns and data that reveal hidden insights.
According to this lesson, which of the following is a reason that the map is a powerful tool?
Maps help us coordinate actions and reveal insights. A map allows multiple people to move in the same direction, and it can show features of a journey or area that were not apparent before.
Why is a shared understanding important in UX design?
A shared understanding allows teams to communicate clearly.
A shared understanding is fundamental for good design. While it does not ensure that people will agree on the solution and has no direct relationship to intelligence, it does ensure that they can agree on and communicate about the situation.
Why journey mapping works so well