What is Geology? Flashcards
a. study of earth materials. b
What is Geology?
a. study of earth materials.
b. study of earth processes (past/present;above and below ground)
c. study of earth’s history.
Uses of geology by the engineer( translate and prodict)
a. construction:
b. development of natural resources
c. water resources
- area of constraint that affect desigh and maintence.
- risks- will structure survive?
- Location of a site
- economics - increase or decrease costs
5 forecast future events: Geohazards and recurrence intervals. ( very importland -can’tbe wrong)
Development of natural resources
- mining extaction.
- Petroleum extaction.
- water resources-development and protection.
Geologic time
absolute time - Radiometric dating
relative time - event sequences
geologic time scale:
Geologic time scale
- Cenozoic: 0 -65 mya - Mammals
- Mesozoic: 65-225 mya - Dinos
- Paleozioc: 225-570 mya - inverts
- Precambrian: 570 mya - 5 bya- little or no life
Dynamic earth
a. parts of the earth
b. plates: surface is moving
c. plate boundaries: where quakes and volcanos.
Parts of the earth
- upper 3 to 7 km
- mantle 70 km to…
3 outer core ( liquid) - inter core ( solid)
Plates: surface is moving
- lithosphere: 0-100 km thick plates
- Asthenosphere - plastic layer in mantle that the plates move on
- Pangaea - supercontinent that broke up 200 mya
plate boundaries: where quakes and volcanos
- spreading centers: ridges and rift valleys - where crust created
- convergent margins - trenches
where crust destroyed: subduction. ( if two continents, uplift) - transform margin: plates pass by one another: san andreas fault.
a. naturally accurring, inorganic cristalline compounds or element.
b. identification: chemical and physical
characteristics; ( use mainly physical ones like hardness, color, fracture, streak, etc)
c. silicate minerals - 95% of minerals; rock forming; basid on arrangement of silica
( tetrahedra SI and O)
d. non - silicate minerals; 5%