What is generation stage? Flashcards
What is generation stage?
A realization of a creative yoga that purifies the three basic bodies and causes the three bodies of the path to ripen.
What are the three basic bodies?
> Ordinary death (basic truth body);
ordinary intermediate state (basic enjoyment body)
and ordinary rebirth (basic emanation body)
How do we purify ordinary death?
The generation stage yoga of bringing death into the path to the Truth Body causes the completion stage realization of ultimate example clear light to ripen.
How do we purify ordinary intermediate stage?
The generation stage yoga of bringing ordinary intermediate state into the path to the enjoyment body causes the completion stage realization of illusory body to ripen.
How do we purify ordinary rebirth?
The generation stage yoga of bringing rebirth into the path to the emanation body causes the completion stage yoga of the gross Deity body attained after the realization of illusory body to ripen.
What are the three bodies of the path?
> Path truth body - clear light of completion stage
Path enjoyment body - illusory body of completion stage
Path emanation body - completion stage yoga of the gross Deity body