What I Got Wrong I Flashcards
What is an anemometer?
Device for measuring wind speed (or other gas currents)
“Forget-me-not flowers” are what colour?
“Oxter” is slang for which part of the body?
Bonus: Axilla is the proper medical term for this.
What is the nationality of Dr. Frankenstein?
“Hundred years war” lasted how long?
116 years.
1337 – 1453 between England and France over the French throne. Ended in English victory.
How often does a blue moon occur?
Roughly every 2-3 years.
Who murdered Martin Luther King Jr.?
James Earl Ray.
Assassinated King in 1968 by shooting him. Assassination occurred at King’s motel in Memphis Tennessee.
Where are the Atlas mountains?
Northern Africa:
Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, etc.
The International Date Line is over which ocean?
Who led the Peasant’s Revolt?
Wat Tyler.
Wat Tyler Rebellion was against taxation on the poor. Took place in 1381.
What branch of Chinese language is spoken in Hong Kong?
“Halcyon” refers to what animal?
Capital of Liechtenstein?
Who was the “Birdman of Alcatraz”?
Robert Stroud.
Who was the singer of The Smiths?
This private bank has Royal Family as clients.
What is the subject of most L.S. Lowry paintings?
Crowds of people.
What was the first commercially available general-purpose home computer?
Ferranti Mark 1.
What language do they speak in Ethiopia?
What word does “Qur’an” translate to?
What rock does fracking extract gas from?
This suffragette thew herself under a horse at the Epsom Derby in 1913.
Emily Davison.
Who first laid out British rule of India?
Robert Clive (Clive of India).
Coffee with ice cream is called…?
In Star Wars, what is the term for an apprentice Jedi?
What was the first rocket in space?
The V2.
By Wernher von Braun (father of space travel/rocket science).
Which Apollo mission saw Neil Armstrong landed in the “Sea of Tranquility”?
Apollo 11.
What is South Korea’s currency?
Name for a cub scout pack leader?
Named after the wolf “Akela” in Kipling’s Jungle Book.
In what year did India and Pakistan achieve independence?
Barbie’s friend’s name.
Who was the leader of the French Revolution?
Maximilien Robespierre.
Who created Batman?
Bob Kane.
What is gossamer?
Spider silk.
Who was Argentine dictator during the Falklands war?
Leopoldo Galtieri.
Napoleon was hampered by this medical condition at the Battle of Waterloo.
Kanji keyboards are mainly used in this country.
Dice sides (opposites) always add up to what?
Seven (7).
A “symphony” refers to how many movements in a piece of music?
Four (4) movements.
A movement is self-contained part of music.
Dutch is spoken in this South American country.