What happens when the market fails? (CH 17) Flashcards
What can market power cause for the price?
The price to be to high or to low
What happens when price is too high?
It’s not allocatively efficient (to needs/wants of society)
What happens when price is too low?
There is too many sellers but not enough buyers
Monopoly Meaning
When one firm has sales from all the buyers (market control)
Monosoney Meaning
Market condition when one buyer is present
Market Failure Meaning
When resources are allocated inefficiently due to distorted prices
Externalities Meaning
Cost or Benefit that effects everyone but the buyer.
e.g- All third parties and sellers
Third Party Meaning?
Anyone apart from buyer/seller who is effected by an economic activity
External costs formula
MSC (Marginal social cost) - MPC (Marginal private benefits)
Fast food E.G of External Costs (MSC and MPC):
+ Provides Jobs
+ Provides Low income households with cheap nutrition
- Promotes unhealthy lifestyle leading to hospitals being taken up
Leads to increase costs of substitutes
Increased advertisement for healthy eating